They in their black battalion go,
Fit to weep, dressed to kill, to the chapel on the hill,
Through the wind and the blistering snow,
Unafraid, undisguised, to put pennies in his eyes,
The twist of a grin, the whiskers on his chin,
Hide the teeth of a giant, broken, yellow and defiant,
His bones lay crossed, he’ll no be back,
He arrived in screaming pink, now he’ll leave in silent black.
Cheer up ye lousy cadgers, I’ll no be missed,
I’ve given ye all the day off work & leave to hit the piss,
So tart me up in finery & put me to the flame,
Don’t plant me in the ground tho’ for fear I’ll grow again!
I know each & every line on your chiselled ugly faces,
yellow - amarelo
wheezing - chiado
waltzing - waltzing
virgin - virgem
twist - torção
tired - cansado
unafraid - destemido
their - deles
urgent - urgente
teeth - dentes
taunts - insultos
sweet - doce
whiskers - bigodes
surely - certamente
strong - forte
sneezing - espirros
sinners - pecadores
secrets - segredos
yourself - você mesmo
roads - estradas
river - rio
rattler - rattler
plough - arado
pennies - centavos
missed - perdido
malevolent - malévolo
suffocate - sufocar
lousy - nojento
could - poderia
dressed - vestido
farting - farting
noses - narizes
coughing - tosse
burning - queimando
tunes - músicas
growing - crescendo
lovelies - amores
hearted - com coração
clowns - palhaços
ghosts - fantasmas
cloud - nuvem
chapel - capela
blood - sangue
slappers - slappers
broken - partido
weeks - semanas
villainous - vilão
before - antes
beasts - bestas
chiselled - cinzelado
farewell - despedida
charms - encantos
battalion - clic su una palabra o selecciona un'espresión para ver la traducción
rotten - podre
again - novamente
through - através
bones - ossos
blistering - empolamento
arrived - chegou
bloated - inchado
black - preto
defiant - desafiante
these - estes
choking - sufocando
ticks - carrapatos
plant - plantar
blind - cego
silent - silencioso
cheer - torcer
soiled - sujado
crossed - cruzou
treats - trata
ground - chão
prepare - preparar
every - cada
fellows - companheiros
sacrificial - sacrificial
pissing - pissing
hollow - oco
finery - finery
tricks - truques
flame - chama
stout - forte
screaming - gritando
flowed - fluíram
hounds - cães de caça
fruit - fruta
nervous - nervoso
giant - gigante
repent - arrepender-se
faces - rostos
given - dado
goners - goners
goodbye - tchau
laces - laços
leave - sair
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