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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Cut My Lip - Twenty One Pilots

Cut My Lip - Twenty One Pilots

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

I'll keep on trying

Might as well

If you decide

All is well

I’ll keep on trying

Might as well

If you decide

All is well

Though I am bruised

Face of contusions

Know I'll keep moving

Though I am bruised

Face of contusions

Know I'll keep moving

Know I’ll keep moving

Rust around the rim

Drink it anyway

I cut my lip

Isn't what I want

Blood is on my tongue

I cut my lip

I keep on going back

Even though it's me I abuse

I'll keep on going back


Though I am bruised

Face of contusions

Know I'll keep moving

Though I am bruised

Face of contusions