Am I the only one I know,

Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat?

Shadows will scream that I'm alone, lone, lone

I, I, I, I've got a migraine.

And my pain will range from up, down, and side ways.

Thank God it's Friday 'cause Fridays will always be better than Sundays

'cause Sundays are my suicide days.

I don't know why they always seem so dismal.

Thunderstorms, clouds, snow, and a slight drizzle.

Whether it's the weather or the letters by my bed,

Sometimes death seems better than the migraine in my head.

Let it be said what the headache represents.

It's me defending in suspense

It's me suspended in a defenseless test

being tested by a ruthless examinant.

That's represented best by my depres…sing thoughts.

I do not have writer's block, my writer just hates the clock.

It will not let me sleep, I guess I'll sleep when I'm dead,

and sometimes death seems better than the migraine in my head

Am I the only one I know,

Waging my wars behind my face and above my throat?

Shadows will scream that I'm alone.

But I know we've made it this far, kid.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.

yelling - gritante
writer - escritor
weather - clima
frozen - congeladas
hates - odeia
fridays - sextas-feiras
friday - sexta-feira
represents - representa
thoughts - pensamentos
fight - luta
paint - pintura
eyelids - pálpebras
better - melhor
freeze - congelar
difficult - difícil
dismal - lúgubre
defenseless - indefeso
violence - violência
holds - detém
begin - início
beast - fera
crazed - louco
brain - cérebro
letters - cartas
always - sempre
alone - sozinho
clock - relógio
gardens - jardins
could - poderia
different - diferente
burnt - queimado
growing - crescendo
throat - garganta
frame - quadro, armação
portrait - retrato
forehead - testa
alive - vivo
tested - testado
blood - sangue
forget - esqueço
waging - waging
sometimes - as vezes
block - quadra
contents - conteúdo
gotta - tenho que
waves - ondas
psyche - psique
headache - dor de cabeça
break - pausa
green - verde
assemble - montar
about - sobre
clouds - Nuvens
pardon - perdão
defending - defendendo
suspended - suspenso
hopeful - esperançoso
feasting - banquete
islands - ilhas
above - acima
island - ilha
lions - leões
death - morte
guess - acho
migraine - enxaqueca
running - corrida
moment - momento
suspense - suspense
picture - cenário
trees - árvores
behind - atrás
weapons - armas
thunderstorms - trovoadas
played - reproduziu
range - alcance
mental - mental
please - por favor
represented - representado
ruthless - cruel
scream - grito
slight - leve
seems - parece
shadows - sombras
whether - se
undertone - subtonalidade
shipwrecked - naufrágio
telling - dizendo
should - devemos
sleep - dormir
being - ser
something - alguma coisa
suicidal - suicida
sundays - domingo
thank - obrigado
their - deles
tidal - maré
drizzle - chuvisco
suicide - suicídio
trying - tentando
violent - violento

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