There's a voice that I hear and it seems like a call

At night, when I cannot find sleep

It's the sound of the void, that can entrap us all

The beast that hides in the deep

As it reaches out with thousand arms

Grasping the hull of the ships

It's the omen of doom from the songs I recall

A terror that makes grown men weep

A great soul, faces all

Even what rumbles and crawls

May the Kraken come

May we get caught in a storm

We will keep our calm

True love will carry us home

Here its presence I feel as I tumble and reel

The fear I will have to resist

worst - pior
unveiled - desvelado
truth - verdade
trace - vestígio
thousand - mil
their - deles
grown - crescido
failed - falhou
faces - rostos
paths - caminhos
espouse - abraçar
erased - apagado
demons - demônios
doubts - dúvidas
entrap - aprisionar
beast - fera
common - comum
sound - som
awaiting - aguardando
caught - apanhado
cannot - não podes
cause - causa
alone - sozinho
danger - perigo
seems - parece
presence - presença
carry - levar
storm - tempestade
heart - coração
hides - esconde
tumble - cair
ignore - ignorar
great - ótimo
grasping - kattints egy szóra vagy jelölj ki egy mondatot, hogy lásd a fordítást.
lighthouse - farol
voice - voz
illusion - ilusão
crawls - rastejamentos
recall - recordar
kraken - kraken
leave - sair
faced - enfrentou
monsters - monstros
makes - faz com que
night - noite
terror - terror
reaches - atinge
resist - resistir
exists - existe
rumbles - retumbar
sailing - vela
ships - navios
sleep - dormir
songs - músicas

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