Is it so wrong if i don't pay my rent?
No! Responsibility, I gave it up for lent
Sell your wares, pollute the air
I don't care
Fresh air's for squares
Now if it were up to me
The piper would be up the creek
and the fiddler too
'Cuase neither one of you would be paid
I need the cash for getting laid ;P
And i don't mind
To seem unusually unkind
You ask what kind of guy am I
I'm a friend of the irresponsible fools
Who don't have time for rules
The irresponsible who wouldn't
wrong - errado
would - seria
fresh - fresco
friend - amigos
fools - tolos
chores - tarefas domésticas
bored - entediado
forsaken - abandonado
feeling - sentindo-me
dolphin - golfinho
without - sem
think - pensar
distracted - distraído
irresponsible - irresponsável
aware - consciente
leave - sair
school - escola
fiddler - violinista
whole - todo
skirt - saia
burns - queima
piper - piper
before - antes
responsibility - responsabilidade
rules - regras
aerosol - aerossol
gotten - obtido
about - sobre
bloody - sangrento
happens - acontece
getting - obtendo
caught - apanhado
rogue - vampiro
miracle - milagre
neither - nem
requires - exige
never - nunca
pathetic - patético
tastes - gostos
politically - politicamente
creek - angra
pollute - poluir
unkind - desagradável
unusually - incomumente
should - devemos
squares - quadrados
those - essa
walked - caminhou
quite - bastante
wares - mercadorias
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