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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Keith b real III interladu - Will Smith

Keith b real III interladu - Will Smith

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Excuse me I know him I know him excuse me Will

Charlie get this boy up out of here

I know I know I know hold up just give me one second man

Keith what man

When I look back at this I realise I came at you sideways and I apologise

You damn right you came at me sideways

Right right

I'm having a party man my album release

Nice party listen I like the ice the slaves

You disrespecting my whole thing

I didn't mean to man its just I have one thing I wanna ask you before I get out of here

What is it Keith

I'm doing something man that's taking me to the next the next century it's a barbershop okay slash studio

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