[Verse 1]

Ten more days on the water

And I already know

I’ll be fine

Ten more days ’til it’s over

‘Til the darkness goes

And I see the light


I’m torn between fulfilling my wildest dreams

To satisfy the beast inside of me

And a grounded love that raises me high above

The grabbing hands of cowards and of thieves


Ten more days to find my way

water - agua
verse - versículo
trembles - treme
tides - marés
there - há
right - certo
raises - levanta
satisfy - satisfazer
light - luz
between - entre
awake - acordado
dreams - sonhos
strong - forte
prayer - oração
fight - luta
betrayed - traiu
could - poderia
fulfilling - cumprindo
grounded - aterrado
wherever - onde quer que
already - já
chorus - coro
beast - fera
cowards - covardes
wildest - mais selvagem
enough - suficiente
future - futuro
grabbing - agarrando
rough - rude
above - acima
beneath - abaixo
darkness - trevas
conscience - consciência
gonna - vai
thieves - ladrões
inside - dentro
hands - mãos

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