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American Beauty - Lester Blackmails Brad (Pt)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    script de vídeo
    palavras para memorizar

    My job consists of
    basically masking...

    my contempt for
    the assholes in charge...

    and at least once a day retiring to the
    men's room, so I can jerk off

    while I fantasize about a life that
    doesn't so closely resemble hell.

    Well, you obviously have no interest
    in saving yourself.

    Brad, for 14 years, I've been a whore
    for the advertising industry.

    The only way I could save myself now
    is if I start firebombing.

    Whatever. Management wants you
    gone by the end of the day.

    Just what sort of severance package
    is management prepared to offer me,

    considering the information
    I have about our editorial director...

    buying pussy
    with company money?

    Which I think
    would interest the I.R.S.,

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