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A token of thanks from His Holiness
and from his new camerlengo.
We are grateful you saved his life.
And it's our understanding
that you require this text
to complete your scholarly work.
We ask only that in
your last will and testament
you ensure it finds its way home.
Of course.
And when you write of us,
and you will write of us,
may I ask one thing?
Do so gently.
I'll try.
Religion is flawed
but only because man is flawed.
All men, including this one.
He chose the name Luke.
There's been many Marks and Johns,
never a Luke.
It's said he was a doctor.
It's quite a message,
science and faith all in one.
The world is in need of both.
You will counsel him wisely.
I am an old man. I will
counsel him briefly.
Mr. Langdon, thanks be to God for
sending someone to protect his Church.
I don't believe he sent me, Father.
Oh, my son,
of course he did.
write - escreva
understanding - compreensão
thing - coisa
thanks - obrigado
testament - testamento
require - exigem
quite - bastante
wisely - sabiamente
saved - salvou
protect - proteger
never - nunca
scholarly - Erudito
message - mensagem
course - curso
faith - fé
because - porque
chose - escolheu
token - símbolo
finds - encontra
science - ciência
believe - acreditam
grateful - grato
briefly - brevemente
someone - alguém
doctor - médico
langdon - langdon
camerlengo - Camerlengo
including - incluindo
complete - completo
ensure - garantir
counsel - conselho
father - pai
world - mundo
flawed - defeituoso
church - igreja
marks - marcas
gently - suavemente
religion - religião
johns - johns
sending - enviando
holiness - santidade
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