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What is it, Mom?
That's a pig.
They'll eat him when he's big enough.
Good heavens, no! The bosses
only eat stupid animals...
like sheep and ducks and chickens.
It does look stupid, Mom.
Not as stupid as sheep, mind you.
But pigs are definitely stupid.
Excuse me. No, we're not.
- Good heavens! Who are you?
- I'm a Large White.
Yes, that's your breed, dear.
What's your name?
I don't know.
What did your mother
call you
to tell you apart from your
brothers and sisters?
Our mom called us all the same.
And what was that, dear?
She called us all Babe.
Perhaps we shouldn't talk
too much about, uh, family.
I want my mom.
There, there. You've got
to be a brave boy now.
I left my mother when I was your age,
and my pups will have to leave me soon.
But I'll keep an eye
on you, if you like,
just 'til you find your feet.
The little pig's a bit low.
He's going to sleep with us...
just 'til he finds his feet.
Until he finds his feet.
But, Mom, he'll wet the bed!
If you do want to do anything,
you'll go outside, won't you?
Good boy.
What's your name, Pig?
What does he taste like?
Where did he come from?
white - branco
where - onde
until - até
there - há
taste - gosto
stupid - estúpido
sleep - dormir
sisters - irmãs
perhaps - possivelmente
outside - lado de fora
chickens - galinhas
nonsense - absurdo
enough - suficiente
animals - animais
breed - procriar
bosses - patrões
sheep - ovelha
about - sobre
excuse - desculpa
called - chamado
family - família
definitely - definitivamente
finds - encontra
apart - separados
going - indo
heavens - céus
brave - bravo
large - ampla
brothers - irmãos
leave - sair
little - pequeno
ducks - patos
anything - qualquer coisa
mother - mãe
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