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- Mr. Cruikshank, a Miss Lamp - - Mrs.
Mrs. Lampert to see you.
- Yes, sir. Go right in. - Thank you.
Of all the mean... rotten...
contemptible, crooked -
Crooked? I should think you'd be glad to find out I'm not crooked.
You can't even be honest about being dishonest.
Why didn't you say something?
We're not allowed to tell. Come on, give me the stamps.
Wait a minute. How did Carson Dyle get an office in this building anyway?
- When did you meet him? What time of day, I mean. - About 1:00.
The lunch hour. Probably worked it out in advance.
Found an office usually left open
and just moved into the time you were here.
Then how do I know this is your office?
Mrs. Foster, take a memo to Bartholomew in Security recommending -
Recommending that embassy offices be kept locked during the lunch hour.
Mmm. Starting with his own.
- Give me the stamps. Come on. - What's your first name today?
- Brian. - Brian Cruikshank.
Serves me right if I get stuck with that one.
Who asked you to get stuck with any of them?
- Come on. - Is there a Mrs. Cruikshank?
- Yes. - But we're divorced.
My mother. She lives in Detroit.
You'd like her. She'd like you, too. Come on, give me those stamps.
Not until you prove to me that you're really Brian Cruikshank.
One day next week I'll put it on a marriage license. How about that?
Quit stalling. I want some identification now.
You're still trying to
Marriage license?
Did you say "marriage license"?
Don't change the subject. Just give me the stamps.
Oh, I love you, Adam, Alex, Peter, Brian, whatever your name is.
Oh, I love you.
I hope we have a lot of boys.
We can name them all after you.
Well, before we start that, may I have the stamps?
today - hoje
whatever - tanto faz
those - essa
there - há
thank - obrigado
stuck - preso
still - ainda
until - até
stamps - selos
stalling - estancando
starting - iniciando
something - alguma coisa
lives - vidas
detroit - detroit
dishonest - desonesto
change - mudança
should - devemos
crooked - torto
subject - sujeito
building - construção
bartholomew - bartolomeu
embassy - embaixada
security - segurança
allowed - permitido
worked - trabalhou
after - depois de
advance - avançar
first - primeiro
trying - tentando
divorced - divorciado
prove - provar
really - realmente
about - sobre
usually - geralmente
minute - minuto
start - começar
asked - perguntei
recommending - recomendando
anyway - de qualquer forma
brian - brian
foster - adotivo
being - ser
lunch - almoço
found - encontrado
honest - honesto
identification - identificação
lampert - لامبرت
license - licença
marriage - casamento
mother - mãe
moved - se mudou
during - durante
contemptible - desprezível
cruikshank - Cruikshank
office - escritório
offices - escritórios
before - antes
carson - Carson
peter - pedro
probably - provavelmente
right - certo
think - pensar
serves - serve
locked - trancado
rotten - podre
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