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There is a Hokkien phrase,
"Gar gee nang".
It means, our own
kind of people.
And you're not our
own kind.
Because I'm not rich?
'Cause I didn't go to a
British boarding school,
or I wasn't born into
a wealthy family?
You're a foreigner.
And all Americans think about
is their own happiness.
Don't you want
Nick to be happy?
It's an illusion.
We understand how to build
things that last.
Something you know
nothing about.
You don't know me.
I know you're
not what Nick needs.
Well, he proposed
to me yesterday.
He said he'd walk
away from his family
and from you for good.
Don't worry,
I turned him down.
Only a fool folds
a winning hand.
There's no winning.
You made sure of that.
Because if Nick chose me,
he would lose his family.
And if he chose his family,
he might spend the rest
of his life resenting you.
So you chose for him.
I'm not leaving
'cause I'm scared.
Or because I think
I'm not enough.
Because maybe for
the first time in my life...
I know I am.
I just love Nick so much.
I don't want him
to lose his mom again.
So, I just wanted you
to know that one day,
when he marries
another lucky girl
who is enough for you...
and you're playing
with your grandkids
while the tan huas
are blooming
and the birds are chirping...
that it was because of me...
a poor, raised-by-a-single-mother,
worry - preocupação
winning - ganhando
wealthy - rico
understand - compreendo
turned - virou
think - pensar
happy - feliz
blooming - florescendo
illusion - ilusão
grandkids - netos
leaving - deixando
enough - suficiente
folds - dobras
phrase - Frase
class - classe
mother - mãe
build - construir
family - família
chirping - chilrear
again - novamente
happiness - felicidade
might - poderia
yesterday - ontem
first - primeiro
needs - precisa
about - sobre
chose - escolheu
boarding - embarque
because - porque
there - há
resenting - ressentido
school - escola
british - britânico
another - outro
foreigner - estrangeiro
american - americano
raised - levantado
wanted - procurado
birds - pássaros
americans - americanos
hokkien - Hokkien
immigrant - imigrante
lucky - por sorte
scared - assustada
means - significa
playing - jogando
marries - se casa
maybe - talvez
proposed - proposto
would - seria
nobody - ninguém
nothing - nada
things - coisas
people - pessoas
while - enquanto
their - deles
single - solteiro
something - alguma coisa
spend - gastar
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