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Dave - Balancing the Budget (Pt)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    script de vídeo
    palavras para memorizar

    Okay. Before we get started...

    I'd like to go over the budget.

    - Do we have anything on the budget today?
    - No, I don't think so.

    I think I've found
    some ways to...

    put back the homeless section
    of the Simpson-Gardner Works Bill.

    Mr. President, I don't believe
    that's on your agenda today.

    No, it's a last minute change, Bob.

    Uh, now, the way I see it,
    we need $650 million in order to...

    ...keep the project.

    Now, some of this can be done.

    Seems to me through some simple changes
    in our cash management.

    Uh, for example...

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