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Okay. Before we get started...
I'd like to go over the budget.
- Do we have anything on the budget today?
- No, I don't think so.
I think I've found
some ways to...
put back the homeless section
of the Simpson-Gardner Works Bill.
Mr. President, I don't believe
that's on your agenda today.
No, it's a last minute change, Bob.
Uh, now, the way I see it,
we need $650 million in order to...
...keep the project.
Now, some of this can be done.
Seems to me through some simple changes
in our cash management.
Uh, for example...
...uh, according to the OMB,
we've got 17 defense contractors...
...who are delinquent in their contracts.
Uh, is this true, Frank?
Uh, I believe so, yes.
So even though they're late...
...we keep paying them on time?
Well, in a sense....
Okay, now,
instead of giving them money...
...for something they haven't finished...
...we could hold back that cash,
stick it in interest-bearing...
Mr. President.
- Nothing.
- Great.
Uh, like I was saying, if we took that cash...
...and stuck it
in even an ordinary savings account...
...we'd be making
$23 million a month in interest.
Well, technically, that's true, but....
- I suppose it's true.
- Okay. Okay.
Okay, so that's $23 million...
...times 12 months. Okay. Good.
Unfortunately, money management's
only gonna get us halfway to our goal.
In order to get the rest of the money,
we're gonna have to...
really start making some tough choices.
- Uh, the Commerce Department.
- Yes, Mr. President?
Uh, you're spending 47 million dollars
on an ad campaign...
..."to boost consumer confidence
in the American auto industry."
Yes, sir, uh....
It is designed to bolster
individual, uh, confidence...
...in a previous domestic
automotive purchase.
So we're spending 47 million dollars
so that somebody can feel better...
...about a car
that they've already bought?
Yes, sir, but I wouldn't
categorize that way....
No, I'm sure
that's important, but...
I don't want to tell some 8-year-old
kid that he's gotta sleep in the street
...because we want people
to feel better about their car.
Do you want to tell him that?
No, sir.
No, I sure don't.
Of course not.
Well, then, that's another 47 million.
So this is good. We're doing good.
We're doing real good. We're on our way.
Okay, let me just add that, uh,
to the tally here.
Five, carry the one
makes $656 million dollars
...which means we can keep the program.
works - trabalho
which - qual
today - hoje
gonna - vai
stuck - preso
gotta - tenho que
found - encontrado
president - presidente
saying - dizendo
about - sobre
example - exemplo
domestic - doméstica
million - milhão
giving - dando
gardner - jardineiro
agenda - agenda
section - seção
delinquent - delinquente
course - curso
people - pessoas
finished - acabado
started - começado
contracts - contratos
defense - defesa
consumer - consumidor
their - deles
commerce - comércio
times - vezes
department - departamento
changes - alterar
somebody - alguém
automotive - automotivo
sleep - dormir
bolster - reforço
months - meses
anything - qualquer coisa
money - dinheiro
start - começar
campaign - campanha
choices - escolhas
budget - despesas
ordinary - comum
contractors - empreiteiros
according - de acordo com
carry - levar
could - poderia
bought - comprou
american - americano
simple - simples
frank - frank
bearing - tendo
account - conta
individual - individual
because - porque
before - antes
believe - acreditam
better - melhor
dollars - dólares
boost - impulso
stick - bastão
already - já
savings - poupança
another - outro
change - mudança
makes - faz com que
great - ótimo
unfortunately - infelizmente
halfway - a meio caminho
homeless - sem casa
think - pensar
important - importante
confidence - confiança
industry - indústria
instead - em vez de
order - ordem
interest - interesse
management - gestão
means - significa
really - realmente
minute - minuto
categorize - categorizar
month - mês
through - através
paying - pagando
previous - anterior
program - programa
nothing - nada
project - projeto
tally - contagem
doing - fazendo
spending - gastos
though - apesar
purchase - compra
seems - parece
sense - sentido
simpson - simpson
something - alguma coisa
making - fazer
technically - tecnicamente
designed - projetado
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