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Somebody should say something.
Nothing to say.
Been to a lot of funerals.
Folded the flag and given it to a lot of wives, and fathers, and kids.
I told them how sorry I was.
But that's not what I was really feeling.
In the back of my mind, I was always saying, "Better them than me."
But I don't believe that now.
Because now I realize that there are some things worse than death,
and one of them is sitting here waiting to die.
I don't wanna die here.
I saw a couple of buses in the garage.
We could fix them up. We could reinforce them.
Then get as far from here as possible.
And then what?
Oh, I have an idea.
While we're at it why don't we swing by the marina,
hop in my boat, take it for a pleasure cruise, you jackasses.
Wait a minute. That's a good idea.
There's islands out in those lakes. There's not a lot of people on them.
I was kidding.
- How far is the marina? - Oh, my God.
You're serious?
I think it's a damn good idea.
How about the rest of you? Kenneth?
Yeah, it's a good idea.
We have to pick up Andy. He's part of the group.
Excuse me, not to shit on anyone's riff here,
but let me just see if I grasp this concept, okay?
You're suggesting that we take some fucking parking shuttles
and reinforce them with some aluminum siding, and then just...
head on over to the gun store where we watch our good friend Andy
play some cowboy-movie, jump-on-the-covered-wagon bullshit?
Then we're going to drive across the ruined city
through a welcome committee of a few hundred thousand dead cannibals.
All so that we can sail off into the sunset on this fucking asshole's boat?
Head for some island that for all we know doesn't even exist?
- Yeah. - Pretty much, yeah.
Okay. I'm in.
worse - pior
where - onde
welcome - bem vinda
wanna - quero
think - pensar
there - há
store - loja
sorry - desculpa
watch - assistir
something - alguma coisa
shuttles - transporte
waiting - esperando
thousand - mil
should - devemos
serious - grave
saying - dizendo
ruined - arruinado
reinforce - reforçar
sunset - por do sol
really - realmente
realize - perceber
siding - tapume
pretty - bonita
possible - possível
fathers - pais
covered - coberto
funerals - funerais
island - ilha
jackasses - louças
cruise - cruzeiro
kidding - brincando
pleasure - prazer
wives - esposas
cowboy - vaqueiro
concept - conceito
while - enquanto
wagon - vagão
those - essa
exist - existir
always - sempre
friend - amigos
couple - casal
things - coisas
people - pessoas
believe - acreditam
about - sobre
drive - dirigir
group - grupo
through - através
aluminum - alumínio
minute - minuto
because - porque
death - morte
cannibals - людоеды
better - melhor
given - dado
excuse - desculpa
buses - ônibus
suggesting - sugerindo
kenneth - Kenneth
somebody - alguém
bullshit - besteira
feeling - sentindo-me
folded - guardada
going - indo
fucking - fodendo
sitting - sentado
garage - garagem
movie - filme
grasp - aperto
hundred - cem
swing - balanço
could - poderia
islands - ilhas
lakes - lagos
marina - marina
across - através
nothing - nada
committee - comitê
parking - estacionamento
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