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- Hey, Miles.
- Hey, man.
Coming in or coming off?
Just got off a triple.
Man, I don't care
if I get mugged.
I'm not typing up
any more paperwork today.
We have D-R-U-G-S on us.
He knows how to spell.
Just act normal.
- Pretend to talk.
- About what?
Just be normal.
What do you think
about politics?
It's a complicated issue.
This cop's acting weird.
He's eye-fucking us.
Just act normal.
Just laugh. We're just
two cool guys laughing.
We skipped school.
Are we in trouble?
Yeah, well, usually,
I'd call this in,
but because you were
honest with me,
I'm gonna let you slide,
all right?
Just promise
not to do it again, okay?
We promise.
Thank you, sir.
All right.
That was a close one.
Wait, where's Thor?
I'm not the madder,
the baddest
The hardest or the tallest
But I say what I mean
and I walk it like I talk it
Don't make me get started,
ain't nobody ballin', see
We keep getting up, it don't
matter that you're falling
No time for stalling...
Hold it.
Come here.
What do you have in
your pants?
My penis.
Pull it out.
I also have a big dick.
Put it back.
I'm being generous today.
- We also have drugs.
- Dude! -
- He was onto us.
- Okay, what do you have?
Schedule I
controlled substance,
with intent to distribute.
these are vitamins, okay?
Children's vitamins, at that.
No, those are drugs.
No, look. If that's drugs,
then this is drugs, too.
- If you don't arrest us, I'll report you.
- Lucas!
Just leave me the fuck alone!
I mean, sorry to fucking swear
at kids, but fuck.
You know, I'm gonna arrest you
for fucking ruining my day.
All right? I'll take them.
Let me go home!
- He's calling for backup.
- What do we do?
Hello. Listen.
I've decided I don't want kids.
- What's up?
- The cop's eye-fucking us.
We have to make a run for it.
I know what to do.
Well, no, it's not
up for discu...
Well, yeah, well, no,
you may be detective,
but in the marriage
we're equal.
Just hang up.
Who cares?
This is free 'cause
I'm a cop.
weird - esquisito
vitamins - vitaminas
typing - digitando
triple - triplo
those - essa
these - estes
thank - obrigado
swear - jurar
substance - substância
started - começado
stalling - estancando
sorry - desculpa
slide - deslizar
think - pensar
skipped - ignorado
school - escola
ruining - arruinando
report - relatório
politics - política
trouble - problema
promise - promessa
penis - pênis
distribute - distribuir
equal - igual
pants - calça
hardest - mais difícil
drugs - drogas
normal - normal
detective - detetive
generous - generoso
complicated - complicado
miles - milhas
arrest - prender
close - fechar
today - hoje
getting - obtendo
decided - decidiu
calling - ligando
laughing - rindo
again - novamente
about - sobre
backup - cópia de segurança
cares - se preocupa
being - ser
right - certo
issue - questão
usually - geralmente
baddest - mais ruim
pretend - faz de conta
coming - chegando
controlled - controlada
mugged - assaltado
because - porque
leave - sair
brother - irmão
gonna - vai
listen - ouço
tallest - mais alto
matter - importam
fucking - fodendo
spell - soletrar
acting - agindo
hello - Olá
falling - queda
intent - intenção
knows - sabe
laugh - rir
honest - honesto
lucas - lucas
alone - sozinho
marriage - casamento
nobody - ninguém
schedule - cronograma
madder - madder
paperwork - papelada
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