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Começar a aprender
You think I did this
to myself, don't you?
Did you?
I don't know.
Who would it be, then? Would it be...
Chloe, or...?
I don't know.
By your own admission
you're having difficulty...
...distinguishing what's reality
from fantasy, so is it possible?
Yeah, as a doctor,
I understand why you think that.
But something
is really happening to me.
What about this moment, right now?
What about it?
Is this a hallucination?
Is it?
I suggest that we simply
increase the medication...
...until things certain make sense.
Or maybe until I can get myself
a new doctor.
Since I'm hallucinating
and I can't seem to remember things...
Maybe you can help me with something.
Did we have an affair?
- Did you want to?
- Yes.
- Did you think I wanted to?
- Yes.
Then why didn't we?
Because you were married to the boss.
But I'm not now.
I'm here...
I'm trying to help you.
Why don't you trust me?
Because you can't trust somebody
when they think you're crazy.
until - até
trust - confiar em
suggest - sugerir
think - pensar
things - coisas
something - alguma coisa
simply - simplesmente
right - certo
reality - realidade
somebody - alguém
doctor - médico
distinguishing - distintivo
certain - certo
hallucinating - alucinando
about - sobre
difficulty - dificuldade
sense - sentido
admission - admissão
crazy - louco
wanted - procurado
affair - caso
because - porque
trying - tentando
fantasy - fantasia
maybe - talvez
hallucination - alucinação
remember - lembrar
really - realmente
having - tendo
happening - acontecendo
since - desde a
increase - aumentar
would - seria
understand - compreendo
married - casado
possible - possível
chloe - Chloe
myself - eu mesmo
medication - medicação
moment - momento
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