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Hey, Rod. Thanks for the ride...
Hey, buddy, how's it going?
Dave, what happened to your eye?
- This?
- Yeah.
- Is it really noticeable?
- Yeah.
Oh, man, it's totally
Well, I got off work early.
And you know my buddy, Derrick?
Well, he was like...
"I've got this acid, but I can't do it. "
And I was all like,
"Well, I'll do it. "
So I did it.
And by the time I got on
my banana board, man, I was...
I was tripping balls pretty hard, man.
So, I decided to get on my
bench grinder
and a piece of metal flew up
and hit me right in the eye.
It was pretty awesome.
And that brings us to now.
Yeah, well, just try and relax.
Can do, man. Can do.
I'm gonna be honest with you, Rod.
You look like a giant eagle
with fire all around you
you've got a mountain for a face.
I'm guessing that's the drugs, Dave.
Yeah, but it's also just kind of weird
seeing you drive this minivan.
Yeah, well, it's my mom's.
Balls, man!
We just ride over a small bus.
I didn't see anything.
weird - esquisito
tripping - tropeçar
totally - totalmente
serendipitous - serendipito
seeing - vendo
right - certo
relax - relaxar
really - realmente
piece - peça
decided - decidiu
bench - banco
mountain - montanha
buddy - camarada
thanks - obrigado
brings - traz
banana - banana
board - borda
pretty - bonita
noticeable - notável
metal - metal
awesome - impressionante
small - pequeno
around - por aí
balls - bolas
derrick - derrick
early - cedo
drive - dirigir
drugs - drogas
grinder - moedor
giant - gigante
going - indo
gonna - vai
guessing - adivinhação
minivan - minivan
anything - qualquer coisa
eagle - águia
happened - aconteceu
honest - honesto
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