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Right here.
Hey, focus.
Okay, all right.
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
Come on, come on, come on.
- No peeking.
- Nope.
- Are you ready?
- Yes.
- Drumroll, please!
- No!
- Oh, my god. I forgot about that.
- A monkey?
- No, no, no. It's a radio.
- I just... it hit me.
I remembered singing in the shower
here to "Louie Louie" once.
Nice sense memory.
Wait. What did you
just say?
You said you remember singing
in the shower here to "Louie Louie" once.
- Yeah.
- When?
- What?
- When did you take a shower here?
It was a long time ago.
I'm sorry. Let me
rephrase the question, Lexi.
Why did you take a shower here?
Pete? You want to help Lexi
out with this question?
Okay, guys, we cannot turn
on each other right now.
That's exactly what
the enemy wants.
I'm in agreement.
What's everybody doing... is that a radio?
Have you tried it?
- Not yet.
- Why not?
'cause I just found out...
Best friend?
Okay, well, let's put a pin in
that for now, why don't we,
Find out if this works
and if we're gonna live or d...
Oh, thank god it works.
One, seven, nine, one,
One, eight, eight, two...
Please stay in your homes
as first responders...
Address the areas within
the initial blast zone.
This is... this is real.
Depending on your distance to the
blast radius and toxicity levels...
Tracy, you're a first responder.
Shouldn't you go?
I'm not on call today.
within - dentro
wants - quer
tried - tentou
tracy - Tracy
toxicity - toxicidade
today - hoje
homes - casas
forgot - esqueceu
gonna - vai
exactly - exatamente
eight - oito
areas - áreas
thank - obrigado
everybody - todo mundo
depending - dependendo
drumroll - drumroll
enemy - inimigo
remember - lembrar
monkey - macaco
blast - explosão
close - fechar
found - encontrado
cannot - não podes
about - sobre
other - de outros
focus - foco
address - endereço
initial - inicial
distance - distância
doing - fazendo
ready - pronto
responders - respondedores
friend - amigos
agreement - acordo
sorry - desculpa
levels - níveis
louie - Louie
memory - memória
peeking - espreitar
works - trabalho
shower - chuveiro
please - por favor
question - questão
responder - respondedor
first - primeiro
radio - rádio
radius - raio
rephrase - reformular
remembered - lembrei
right - certo
sense - sentido
seven - sete
singing - cantando
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