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Jack, it's showtime.
I hope you will enjoy the Haut-Brion.
It's a very special wine.
You find it amusing.
Jack had an early start.
So it seems.
Hey. Can I get another one of these?
This is good, Viktor.
Jack has a back injury.
From Afghanistan.
Me, too.
Different time, different empire,
same graveyard.
-My son's, also.
-Sorry to hear that.
Mujahideen grenade fragment
is lodged in my hip to this day.
I wouldn't think a hand
grenade would be
the first thing you'd wanna keep
on your desk.
A reminder of a vanquished rival.
-You lost the war.
-But I beat your grenade.
My grenade?
- One supplied by your CIA.
Well, I'm no medical doctor
like my illustrious fiancée here,
but I would recommend
a Percocet or three for that hip.
With a nice, hearty red like this, you
won't know your own name in an hour.
What? Come on,
don't give me that look, Cathy.
I'm not gonna be policed
at the dinner table.
Do you want one?
-I think not.
-Are you sure?
Oh, I'm sure.
You are so attractive like this.
Will you excuse me, please?
Jack, I speak no Russian.
Is it too much to ask to be escorted?
Oh, it's just the bathroom, Cathy.
It's just the bathroom.
- Allow me.
-Thank you.
Nice work, Jack.
I got it.
would - seria
vanquished - vencida
think - pensar
graveyard - cemitério
gonna - vai
attractive - atraente
speak - falar
fragment - fragmento
these - estes
excuse - desculpa
escorted - escoltado
grenade - grenade
three - três
enjoy - apreciar
another - outro
dinner - jantar
early - cedo
allow - permitir
different - diferente
start - começar
wanna - quero
first - primeiro
afghanistan - Afeganistão
amusing - divertido
brion - brion
bathroom - banheiro
fianc - noivo
reminder - lembrete
cathy - Cathy
hearty - saudável
thing - coisa
recommend - recomendo
empire - império
seems - parece
sorry - desculpa
supplied - fornecido
illustrious - ilustre
please - por favor
injury - prejuízo
lodged - alojado
mujahideen - mujahideen
thank - obrigado
percocet - percocet
medical - médico
policed - policiado
doctor - médico
perhaps - possivelmente
rival - rival
russian - [object Object]
showtime - altura de começar
special - especial
table - mesa
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