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I have summoned you here because you have
made statements...
Which affect the very existence
of the social order of this country.
Let me make it plain. What is at
stake will not permit unconsidered actions,
Nor injudicious statements.
We shall take action if we must.
And I can assure you
that action will be effective.
The sequence of events,
prime minister,
Convince me
of your ability to take effective action.
You have me
at a disadvantage, mr. Holmes.
I think it might be better if
you tell us your story in your own way...
And permit me to be
the judge of whether it is true or not.
You may take it
to be true, sir.
The first link in
my chain of circumstances...
Is a woman
by the name of Annie Crook.
I see you recognize
that name, home secretary.
In other circumstances
that would surprise me,
since she is a woman
of the lower classes,
Hardly likely to affect
the life of anyone so powerful.
Your irony is out of place.
You would be wise, mr. Holmes, to
resist the temptation to condescend.
Prime minister.
How does Annie Crook
concern anyone here?
I found her.
She told me some fragments
of her pathetic story.
She met her lover...
First at the household
where she was employed.
She fell in love with him.
He was infatuated
briefly with her.
With her gentleness,
her beauty and her innocence.
And in the face of
this congregation--
He went through
a form of marriage,
And soon after,
tired of her, he left.
She bore him a child.
This much was done
without attracting notice.
And then, when the existence
of the child was discovered,
And its religion --
Catholic --
The government
suddenly became concerned.
You must forgive me,
mr. Holmes.
I had expected an account
of more significance.
How can all this affect
the government of England?
You exaggerate, surely.
Her lover, her husband,
however you may call him--
Her seducer--was his grace,
the duke of Clarence and Avondale,
Albert Victor Christian Edward,
earl of Athlone,
The heir presumptive
to the throne of England.
Known as Eddy to his
more intimate acquaintances.
woman - Mulher
without - sem
which - qual
where - onde
victor - vencedor
tired - cansado
through - através
throne - trono
think - pensar
expected - esperado
existence - existência
forgive - perdoar
order - ordem
classes - aulas
edward - Edward
action - açao
events - eventos
however - contudo
disadvantage - desvantagem
became - passou a ser
england - inglaterra
discovered - descobriu
since - desde a
crook - trapaceiro
exaggerate - exagerar
congregation - congregação
concerned - preocupado
found - encontrado
convince - convencer
shall - deve
christian - cristão
country - país
after - depois de
beauty - beleza
avondale - Avondale
condescend - condescender
fragments - fragmentos
known - conhecido
albert - albert
account - conta
assure - assegurar
circumstances - circunstâncias
actions - ações
notice - aviso prévio
first - primeiro
story - história
annie - Annie
religion - religião
catholic - católico
attracting - atraindo
effective - eficaz
acquaintances - conhecidos
athlone - atleta
better - melhor
husband - marido
child - criança
clarence - claridade
affect - afetar
temptation - tentação
because - porque
permit - permitir
presumptive - presuntivo
unconsidered - não considerado
lower - mais baixo
statements - afirmações
briefly - brevemente
concern - preocupação
plain - avião
employed - empregado
chain - cadeia
gentleness - gentileza
government - governo
household - família
likely - provável
infatuated - apaixonado
would - seria
injudicious - imprudente
innocence - inocência
resist - resistir
intimate - íntimo
irony - ironia
whether - se
grace - graça
might - poderia
minister - ministro
holmes - holmes
other - de outros
judge - juiz
pathetic - patético
anyone - alguém
place - lugar, colocar
surprise - surpresa
powerful - poderoso
lover - amante
recognize - reconhecer
marriage - casamento
secretary - secretário
ability - habilidade
seducer - sedutor
significance - significado
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