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911. What's your emergency?
Hi. I'm calling about a possible...
I'm calling to report a missing person.
Okay, who is this regarding?
My daughter.
I know I should've called sooner. I just
thought that... - That's okay, sir. - Yeah.
The first thing we need to do
is file a report.
After that, I'll put out a call
to a detective in the area
who will be in touch with you.
All right.
Now, let's start with her name.
Margot Kim. M-A-R-G-O-T.
Kim. K-I-M.
- Hello?
- Hi. Is this David Kim?
Yes, this is David Kim.
- I'm assuming this is... - Good morning,
Mr. Kim. My name is Rosemary Vick.
I'm the detective sergeant
assigned to your daughter's case.
Yeah. Good morning.
I've been waiting for your call.
Of course.
We're working as fast as we can.
I'm currently 35 minutes away
from your house.
But while I have you, do you feel
comfortable telling me what you know?
I just told every detail I know to whoever
I got off the phone with an hour ago.
- I don't know what you guys are doing.
- I promise you, Mr. Kim,
we are taking this very seriously.
And as a parent myself, I can only imagine
what you must be feeling.
But for me to help you, I do need to know
how everything unfolded, from your eyes.
Okay, let's see if I got this right.
One: after a group study session,
Margot, with her car,
didn't return home Thursday evening.
Two: she called three times at 11:00 p.m.
Three: she didn't attend school on Friday.
And four: she's been skipping
piano classes for the last six months.
- Was all of that correct?
- Yes.
Okay. Mr. Kim, I am going to find out
what happened to your daughter.
But I'll need to know
a lot more about her, okay?
Yes, yes. What do you want me to do?
I'll go talk to neighbors. I'll...
We'll handle the ground investigation,
Mr. Kim.
That's our job.
But if there's something a parent can do,
it's shedding light for us on who your
daughter is and the people she talks to.
Is that something you can help us with?
I can help with that.
whoever - quem quer que seja
working - trabalhando
understood - entendido
touch - tocar
times - vezes
while - enquanto
thursday - quinta-feira
three - três
thought - pensamento
telling - dizendo
unfolded - desdobrou
talks - fala
taking - levando
study - estude
start - começar
sooner - mais cedo
something - alguma coisa
skipping - ignorando
shedding - derramamento
session - sessão
seriously - a sério
sergeant - sargento
school - escola
return - retorna
promise - promessa
possible - possível
emergency - emergência
detective - detetive
after - depois de
neighbors - vizinhos
doing - fazendo
david - david
assigned - atribuído
thing - coisa
daughter - filha
waiting - esperando
ground - chão
light - luz
attend - comparecer
about - sobre
group - grupo
investigation - investigação
currently - atualmente
calling - ligando
detail - detalhe
regarding - a respeito de
assuming - assumindo
evening - tarde
comfortable - confortável
called - chamado
piano - piano
myself - eu mesmo
everything - tudo
every - cada
imagine - imagine
first - primeiro
correct - um lugar para outro
friday - sexta-feira
going - indo
happened - aconteceu
hello - Olá
rosemary - alecrim
house - casa
people - pessoas
course - curso
margot - margot
right - certo
feeling - sentindo-me
minutes - minutos
missing - ausência de
months - meses
morning - manhã
report - relatório
person - pessoa
parent - pai
classes - aulas
handle - lidar com
phone - telefone
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