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Why are you here?
Because the situation is even less simple,
than you think.
Do you know what your sin is, Doctor?
It's pride.
Key members of Parliament
have personally observed this subject.
I was told that the Alliance's support...
Key members of Parliament.
The minds behind every military,
diplomatic, and covert operation
in the galaxy
and you put them in a room
with a psychic.
If there was some classified
information that she...
She never spoke of it.
I don't know what it is.
Nor do I.
And judging by her deteriorating
mental state,
I'd say we're both better off.
Secrets are not my concern.
Keeping them is.
Whatever secrets she might have
accidentally gleaned,
it's probable she doesn't even know
she knows them.
That they're buried beneath layers
of psychosis.
You know, in certain older civilized cultures,
when men failed as entirely as you
have, they would throw themselves
on their swords.
Well, unfortunately,
I forgot to bring a sword.
I would put that down right now.
Would you be killed in your sleep
like an ailing pet?
Young miss, I'll need all the logs on
behavioral modification triggers.
We'll have to reach out to River Tam
and help her to come back to us.
No matter how far out Simon has...
This is a good death.
There's no shame in this,
in a man's death.
A man who has done fine works.
We're making a better world.
All of them,
better worlds.
Young miss,
I need you to go to work now.
I think I may have a long way to travel.
Where are you hiding...
little girl?
would - seria
worlds - os mundos
world - mundo
where - onde
unfortunately - infelizmente
triggers - gatilhos
travel - viagem
think - pensar
there - há
whatever - tanto faz
their - deles
swords - espadas
support - apoio, suporte
subject - sujeito
spoke - falou
simon - simon
throw - lançar
secrets - segredos
river - rio
right - certo
sword - espada
psychic - psíquico
personally - pessoalmente
entirely - inteiramente
judging - julgando
probable - provável
observed - observado
doctor - médico
deteriorating - deteriorando-se
mental - mental
cultures - culturas
situation - situação
psychosis - psicose
death - morte
classified - classificado
concern - preocupação
diplomatic - diplomático
information - em formação
buried - enterrado
civilized - civilizado
covert - encoberta
sleep - dormir
ailing - doente
behind - atrás
making - fazer
better - melhor
beneath - abaixo
failed - falhou
matter - importam
young - jovem
never - nunca
forgot - esqueceu
behavioral - comportamental
galaxy - galáxia
every - cada
because - porque
layers - camadas
reach - alcance
gleaned - gleaned
hiding - se escondendo
works - trabalho
keeping - guardando
certain - certo
members - membros
state - estado
modification - modificação
simple - simples
knows - sabe
pride - orgulho
bring - trazer
little - pequeno
themselves - si mesmos
might - poderia
military - militares
minds - mentes
older - mais velho
shame - vergonha
killed - morto
operation - operação
accidentally - acidentalmente
parliament - parlamento
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