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You go! Take care of the baby!
Everybody stay calm!
We're all going to die!
Everyone in! Now!
Come on! Put some back into it!
We don't have time. Now go!
Quickly, ladies!
We'll hold them off
as long as we can!
Where are Shrek and Fiona?
The name doesn't ring a bell.
No bell.
I suggest you freaks cooperate ...
with the new King of "Far Far Away"!
The only thing you're ever gonna
be king of is King of the Stupids!
- Hook!
- Right!
Avast, ye cookie.
Start talking.
- Gingy!
- Papa!
Settle down now.
On the good ship Lollipop
It's a sweet trip to the candy shop
You can't lie.
So tell me, puppet... where is Shrek?
Well ... I don't know where he's not.
You're telling me you
don't know where Shrek is?
It wouldn't be inaccurate
to assume that I...
...couldn't exactly not say that
is or isn't almost partially incorrect.
So you do know where he is!
On the contrary, I'm possibly more or less
not definitely rejecting the idea...
that in no way,
with any amount of uncertainty
that I undeniably... - Stop it!
...do or do not know where he
shouldn't probably be.
If that indeed wasn't where he isn't.
Even if he wasn't not where
I knew he was, it could mean ...
On the good ship Lollipop... - Enough!
Shrek went off to bring back the next heir!
He's bringing back the next heir?
Hook! Get rid of this new "King".
- But bring Shrek to me.
I have something special
in mind for him.
He'll never fall for your tricks!
Oh, boy.
where - onde
undeniably - inegavelmente
inaccurate - impreciso
going - indo
gonna - vai
everyone - todos
enough - suficiente
special - especial
freaks - loucos
thing - coisa
definitely - definitivamente
assume - assumir
puppet - fantoche
quickly - rapidamente
almost - quase
suggest - sugerir
everybody - todo mundo
bringing - trazendo
contrary - contrário
incorrect - incorreta
cooperate - colaborar
avast - cieszę się, że nigdy nie spotkaliśmy się na boisku, ser barristanie.
cookie - biscoito
candy - doces
shrek - shrek
talking - falando
amount - montante
bring - trazer
indeed - de fato
settle - resolver
ladies - senhoras
never - nunca
partially - parcialmente
fiona - fiona
lollipop - pirulito
something - alguma coisa
probably - provavelmente
possibly - possivelmente
rejecting - rejeitando
tricks - truques
right - certo
start - começar
exactly - exatamente
stupids - estúpidos
sweet - doce
telling - dizendo
could - poderia
uncertainty - incerteza
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