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- What are you doing?
- E, let me produce. Man.
- Feel like it's getting weird.
- Man, shut up and get comfortable.
Let's go.
Cruisin' down the street
in my 6-4
What the fuck?
What the fuck is so funny?
Nothing. Not...
Oh, E, can you hear me?
Yeah, I can hear you and how much
y'all fuckin' laughing.
Hey, E, you good.
Just hit that first beat hard, man.
You gotta come in on beat.
Cruisin' down the street.
You cruisin'.
You good, Eric.
No, no, no, no.
You good, you good, you good
It's dope.
But on beat.
Again. All right?
Let's go.
Cruisin'. All right?
Cruisin' down the street
in my 6-4
That ain't it.
It really ain't.
Hey, hey, Dre. He gotta go
if we're gonna do this. Cube, you gotta go.
- Get the fuck outta here, Yella.
- Now, nigga. Both y'all.
- You talking to me?
- Bye!
- Go, Cube! Yella, get the fuck outta here.
- Me too?
- Yeah, so we can get this shit done.
- "Write the song, Cube. Shut the fuck up, Cube."
Take these with you, Cube.
Yella. Yes, man.
Come on.
- You know what?
- Whatever. Whatever.
You motherfucker.
Come on, E.
You finished, Dre? You wanna laugh too?
I stay in this bitch by myself.
Hey, just say the words.
What does that even mean?
Man, just say the shit with me.
All right? Cruisin'.
- Cruisin'!
- Yeah, cruisin'. Let's go.
Dre, you know this shit
ain't gonna never work
A'ight, you...
you trying to be funny.
But you see how you said that shit, right?
Like you believe it.
- Yeah, I believe that shit.
- Then say this shit like you believe it, man.
Like it's a motherfuckin' Sunday and
you cruisin' down Crenshaw in a motherfuckin' 6-4.
Come on. Say that shit like you
believe it, man.
Like it's your words. Feel that shit.
Stop playing around. Loosen the fuck up.
There you go.
Cruisin' down the street
in my 6-4
Oh, shit.
Hey, that was dope, E.
That shit was dope, man.
That's what
I'm talking about, man.
Now we only got 59 more lines to punch in.
But it's all good. We gonna get through it.
Let's go on
to the next.
write - escreva
weird - esquisito
trying - tentando
yella - yella
through - através
wanna - quero
talking - falando
sunday - [object Object]
whatever - tanto faz
punch - soco
words - palavras
playing - jogando
outta - outta
nothing - nada
really - realmente
first - primeiro
about - sobre
around - por aí
nigga - nigga
doing - fazendo
street - rua
believe - acreditam
there - há
produce - produzir
bitch - cadela
again - novamente
right - certo
funny - engraçado
getting - obtendo
gonna - vai
finished - acabado
myself - eu mesmo
gotta - tenho que
laugh - rir
laughing - rindo
lines - linhas
motherfucker - filho da puta
loosen - afrouxar
these - estes
crenshaw - crenshaw
comfortable - confortável
never - nunca
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