Aprenda inglês de verdade com filmes e livros.

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Into the Woods - Go to the Wood (Pt)

Cena do filme Caminhos da Floresta
  • 00:00 / 00:00

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    Começar a aprender

    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    script de vídeo
    palavras para memorizar

    You wish to have the curse reversed?

    I'll need a certain potion first.

    Go to the wood and bring me back...

    One, the cow as white as milk.

    Two, the cape as red as blood.

    Three, the hair as yellow as corn.

    Four, the slipper as pure as gold.

    Bring me these

    before the chime of midnight in three days' time.

    'Tis then the Blue Moon reappears,

    which comes but once each hundred years.

    Bring them and I guarantee

    Clique numa palavra ou selecione uma expressão para ver a tradução


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