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Começar a aprender
Were you in there the whole time?
No. I was just here to pick up my mom.
She's in there with your dad.
They're kind of making out in the third row.
- Really? - Yeah.
- That's good. - Look.
I don't expect you to want to talk to me or anything...
so I'm not gonna call you and bother you and give you a hard time
...camp outside your place and stalk you and you know...
But I do want to say that I'm sorry...
...for what I put you through and say thank you.
So who are you renting for New Year's...
'cause you know, us Valcos, we book up kind of fast.
I see that.
I'm looking for a family with, you know, maybe a bearded...
...irascible dad with a heart of gold.
A brother who stays in his room all the time by himself...
...and a sister who is...
...wonderful and smart and really beautiful.
Because I think that's the kind of person that...
I could fall in love with.
You know anybody like that?
I know it's tough.
Let me think.
Not offhand, but I'll get back to you.
Let me know.
valcos - Valcos
tough - resistente
think - pensar
there - há
smart - inteligente
wonderful - maravilhoso
sister - irmã
third - terceiro
thank - obrigado
expect - espero
brother - irmão
gonna - vai
stalk - tenda
family - família
bother - incomodar
bearded - barbudo
because - porque
anybody - qualquer pessoa
could - poderia
anything - qualquer coisa
outside - lado de fora
beautiful - bonita
irascible - irascível
stays - fica
heart - coração
through - através
himself - ele mesmo
looking - olhando
making - fazer
person - pessoa
whole - todo
really - realmente
sorry - desculpa
renting - alugar
offhand - de improviso
maybe - talvez
place - lugar, colocar
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