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Começar a aprender
Don't say it. Don't think it.
Don't say it. Don't think it.
Oh, my God.
Don't say it.
Larry... Oh, my God.
I was just doing my job.
That's what I do.
I track down the story.
That's what I was doing.
Once you know his name,
you can't escape him.
You see,
he gets in your head...
He makes you do
horrible things.
What horrible things?
Who makes you do this?
What are you talking about?
Let's get you to bed,
okay, sweetheart?
Listen. Listen, I didn't know
if he was alive or dead.
And then the hound...
That's how you
know he's coming.
When you see the hound
and you hear the coins,
that's when you
know he's close by.
- You understand?
- No, I...
He listens for his name.
Anyone could say it.
It could be you.
Or it could be me.
And it's just dumb luck
like the flip of a coin.
And I heard the name
and I-I told Janey the name.
"Don't think it.
Don't say it."
What does this mean?
What did you write?
I don't understand.
He makes
you see things.
And he makes you do things.
Who knows how many good people he's
made do horrible things like this.
understand - compreendo
think - pensar
things - coisas
heard - ouviu
escape - escapar
doing - fazendo
about - sobre
alive - vivo
anyone - alguém
coming - chegando
larry - Larry
close - fechar
write - escreva
janey - janey
hound - caça
knows - sabe
listen - ouço
story - história
listens - escuta
makes - faz com que
could - poderia
people - pessoas
track - pista
horrible - horrível
sweetheart - amada
coins - moedas
talking - falando
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