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In the name of God,
the merciful, the compassionate,
Amir agha, with my deepest respects.
My wife and son and I
pray this letter finds you in fine health,
and in the light of God's good graces.
I'm hopeful that one day I will hold
one of your letters in my hands
and read of your life in America.
I am trying to learn English.
It's such a tricky language.
But one day, agha. I miss your stories.
I've included a picture of me
and my son, Sohrab.
He's a good boy.
Rahim Khan and I
taught him how to read and write,
so he doesn't grow up
stupid like his father.
And can he shoot
with that slingshot you gave me!
But I fear for him, Amir agha.
The Afghanistan of our youth
is long dead.
Kindness is gone from the land,
and you cannot escape the killings.
Always the killings.
I dream that God will guide us
to a better day.
I dream that my son will grow up
to be a good person,
a free person,
an important person.
I dream that flowers will bloom
in the streets of Kabul again,
and music will play
in the samovar houses,
and kites will fly in the skies.
And I dream that someday
you will return to Kabul
to revisit the land of our childhood.
If you do, you'll find
an old faithful friend waiting for you.
May God be with you always.
youth - juventude
write - escreva
trying - tentando
tricky - complicado
stupid - estúpido
stories - histórias
sohrab - sohrab
graces - graças
friend - amigos
hassan - hassan
revisit - revisitar
escape - escapar
hands - mãos
dream - sonhe
flowers - flores
houses - casas
always - sempre
afghanistan - Afeganistão
again - novamente
better - melhor
skies - céus
childhood - infância
streets - ruas
slingshot - estilingue
samovar - samovar
cannot - não podes
learn - aprender
compassionate - compassivo
finds - encontra
english - inglês
america - América
letters - cartas
hopeful - esperançoso
faithful - fiel
important - importante
someday - algum dia
shoot - atirar
father - pai
included - incluído
waiting - esperando
deepest - mais profundo
music - música
killings - assassinatos
kindness - bondade
rahim - rahim
respects - respeita
kites - pipas
language - língua
letter - carta
taught - ensinado
guide - guia
person - pessoa
bloom - flor
merciful - misericordioso
light - luz
kabul - Cabul
health - saúde
picture - cenário
return - retorna
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