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I'm awfully sorry about that,
but, you see,
he thinks it's still the year nineteen
eighteen or nineteen fourteen.
Something like that.
So sad.
World War one and all that stuff.
I mean... Battle of the Marne,
Battle of the Somme,
Battle of the Marne,
Battle of Passchendaele.
Trenches and mud, and death,
and gore, and all that. It's terribly sad.
It's a long way to Tipperary,
it's a long way to go.
Yeah, but it's... It's terrible!
I mean, so sad, you know?
But then, I mean...
Isn't it? I mean, this late onset of,
well, robot dementia.
It's not at all pretty.
I don't know what you're smoking
in that pipe, man, but...
What's going on here?
Did you drag me to some
Transformer retirement home?
Look, somebody better start talking,
or I'm outta here.
Okay. Bumblebee?
We only met, when
I was a little boy in short pants.
I must've been that tall. Maybe taller.
Or maybe shorter, I can't remember.
But never forget a face.
Bee, you know this guy?
- I don't... talk with you.
- Oh, yes.
Let's have a look at this thing.
Please. Very interesting.
You keep a secret for so long,
knowing it to be true. And yet, deep down
inside, you begin to wonder.
Has my life been wasted?
Have you ever felt like that, Mr. Cade?
It's just Cade.
Look, old-timer, I don't have
a ton of patience for riddles right now.
Yes, but you want to know,
don't you, dude?
Why they keep coming here?
To Earth. Right?
I do so love perfect timing.
What a bitchin' car she is!
No, no, no, little lady.
Why do you have to
be like that? Pourquoi?
So, is this a kidnapping sort of situation
or her first Transformer experience?
It's both, really.
Do not hit me again!
But she does have a rather nice
fight-or-flight response.
She's very difficult.
trenches - trincheiras
tipperary - tipperário
timing - cronometragem
thinks - acha
wasted - desperdiçado
thing - coisa
terribly - terrivelmente
terrible - terrivel
stuff - coisa
start - começar
somme - somme
somebody - alguém
smoking - fumando
shorter - mais curta
short - curto
secret - segredo
forget - esqueço
wonder - maravilha
better - melhor
fight - luta
eighteen - dezoito
something - alguma coisa
inside - dentro
earth - Terra
retirement - aposentadoria
flight - voar
still - ainda
difficult - difícil
first - primeiro
really - realmente
talking - falando
about - sobre
right - certo
awfully - muito
world - mundo
fourteen - quatorze
remember - lembrar
rather - em vez
experience - experiência
going - indo
coming - chegando
onset - início
again - novamente
situation - situação
passchendaele -
death - morte
dementia - demência
transformer - transformador
pourquoi - por que
taller - mais alto
begin - início
kidnapping - seqüestro
little - pequeno
robot - robô
marne - Marne
maybe - talvez
timer - cronômetro
outta - outta
never - nunca
pants - calça
patience - paciência
sorry - desculpa
perfect - perfeito
bumblebee - bumblebee
nineteen - dezenove
please - por favor
pretty - bonita
interesting - interessante
response - resposta
battle - batalha
knowing - sabendo
riddles - enigmas
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