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And I'm not your bra.
Whatever, dude. Whatever.
Peace. God bless.
Hey, Hansel
I'm really sorry you didn't
get mugatu's derelicte campaign.
- Maybe next time.
- What's that ?
Mugatu's derelicte campaign.
Sorry you didn't book it.
Oh, yeah ?
I've never even heard of it.
Me and my friends have been too
busy bathing off the coast of st. Barts.
Tripping on acid changed
our whole perspective on shit.
So I guess, uh-- I guess you can
"dere-lick" my balls, capitan.
I can "dere-lick" my own balls,
thank you very much.
You think you're
too cool for school.
But I got a news flash for you,
Walter Cronkite.
You aren't.
Who are you trying
to get crazy with, ese?
Don't you know I'm loco ?
Hey, I got a wacky idea.
What say we settle this on the runway...
Han-solo ?
Are you challenging me
to a walk-off ?
Don't do this, Derek.
Listen to your friend
billy Zane.
He's a cool dude. He's
trying to help you out.
wacky - maluco
trying - tentando
tripping - tropeçar
think - pensar
thank - obrigado
school - escola
runway - pista
whole - todo
really - realmente
peace - paz
coast - costa
capitan - capitan
campaign - campanha
bless - abençoe
whatever - tanto faz
changed - mudou
perspective - perspectiva
heard - ouviu
barts - barraços
bathing - tomando banho
walter - walter
billy - billy
crazy - louco
never - nunca
cronkite - cronkite
settle - resolver
guess - acho
derek - derek
lander - lander
challenging - desafiador
balls - bolas
derelicte - derelicte
sorry - desculpa
maybe - talvez
friend - amigos
listen - ouço
flash - instantâneo
friends - amigos
hansel - hansel
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