Aprenda inglês de verdade com filmes e livros.

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Como se pronúncia re


Exemplos de filmes com Re

One of these days, you're gonna get your ass on a wagon and stay there.
Tremors - Edgar on the Tower
I mean, what do you think we're doing out here in the middle of the desert?
Casino - The Count Room
They're countin' money. Who wants to bother them?
Casino - The Count Room
Meanwhile, you're in and you're out.
Casino - The Count Room
Trust me, whatever you're doing, it's working.
Shallow Hal - Lunch With Rosemary
You're mine, Bender. for two months, I got ya.
The Breakfast Club - Eat My Shorts
- And then? - You're really starting to piss me off, lady.
Dude, Where's My Car? - And Theeennn...
- Oh, yeah, sure, go ahead. - You're a doll.
Me, Myself & Irene - Hank Comes Out
Nyah, nyah, nyah-nyah-nyah We're gonna rock you
Me, Myself & Irene - Hank Comes Out
- About what? - You're serious? You don't know?
Tropic Thunder - Never Go Full Retard
- What? - You think you're really pretty.
Mean Girls - Meeting the Plastics
So if you're from Africa why are you white?
Mean Girls - Meeting the Plastics
Oh, my God, Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white.
Mean Girls - Meeting the Plastics
And I can teach them to you, so that even when you're asleep...
Inception - The Most Skilled Extractor
you're gonna have to be completely open with me.
Inception - The Most Skilled Extractor
Charles Palantine, the man you're volunteering to help elect president.
Taxi Driver - Travis Visits Betsy

Pronúncia de áudio de Re

Pronúncia americana

Re pronunciado por Ivy (criança, garota)
Re pronunciado por Joanna (feminino)
Re pronunciado por Kendra (feminino)
Re pronunciado por Kimberly (feminino)
Re pronunciado por Salli (feminino)
Re pronunciado por Joey (masculino)
Re pronunciado por Justin (criança, garoto)
Re pronunciado por Matthew (masculino)

Pronúncia britânica

Re pronunciado por Amy (feminino)
Re pronunciado por Emma (feminino)
Re pronunciado por Brian (masculino)