Aprenda inglês de verdade com filmes e livros.

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Como se pronúncia ve


Exemplos de filmes com Ve

I'm sorry, if you've come here to tell me to back off,
Made in Dagenham - Don't Give Up
You know, I wasn't joking. I've had a hell of a day and...
Made in Dagenham - Don't Give Up
We've barked, and the birds have flown!
True Grit - I Bow Out
I don't recall I've ever seen it on the club registry.
Fletch - Bend Over, Mr. Babar
You've got to be in some kind of perfect shape...
Fletch - Bend Over, Mr. Babar
Well, there... There is this one girl that I've had a crush on forever.
The Hunger Games - Star-Crossed Lovers
So after all they've been through,
RoboCop - End This Nightmare
You could've called, you could've emailed, you could've sent a text.
The Best Man Holiday - Jordan's New Boyfriend
'Cause the truth is we've been on this op before, it was '07,
Zero Dark Thirty - Kill Him For Me
By locating the courier, we've located bin Laden.
Zero Dark Thirty - Kill Him For Me
I've known this guy for 25 years. He's full of shit and he comes on hard...
Argo - A Fake Movie
He means a venti. Yeah, the biggest one you've got.
Role Models - A Venti Coffee
You know what, you've been picking fights with everybody.
Role Models - A Venti Coffee
Do you have any idea how much you've changed?
De-Lovely - Spoiled Behavior
You have put everything that you've accomplished with your music at risk.
De-Lovely - Spoiled Behavior
and for a long time that you've been hearing me talk about being perfect.
Friday Night Lights - Coach Gaines on Being Perfect
I do. I've seen it. You have shown it to me.
We Are Marshall - We Cannot Lose
...you've gotta lay that heart on the line, men.
We Are Marshall - We Cannot Lose
with every ounce of blood you've got in your body
We Are Marshall - We Cannot Lose
No. No, no, I think you've given me enough sneaky quick ones for the day.
Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj - Sexy Sadie

Pronúncia de áudio de Ve

Pronúncia americana

Ve pronunciado por Ivy (criança, garota)
Ve pronunciado por Joanna (feminino)
Ve pronunciado por Kendra (feminino)
Ve pronunciado por Kimberly (feminino)
Ve pronunciado por Salli (feminino)
Ve pronunciado por Joey (masculino)
Ve pronunciado por Justin (criança, garoto)
Ve pronunciado por Matthew (masculino)

Pronúncia britânica

Ve pronunciado por Amy (feminino)
Ve pronunciado por Emma (feminino)
Ve pronunciado por Brian (masculino)