When I was young my father taught me not to gloat
If I came home too proud of myself I get wrestled to the floor and choked
But I forgive him for that
He was an eighth grade drop out and I was being a brat
I forgive him, I do
I know that he loves me and he knows I love him too
When I was young my father told me, to each his own
The lady said as she kissed the cow
Some like the fiddle, some like the trombone
And I live by that rule
Your trip is your trip and my trip is my trip too
Yeah, I'll mind my own business
I'll have an O'Douls and my friend here will have a Guinness
I love my dad
I love my dad
I love my dad
I love my dad
Your kid goes to the private Berkeley school with one black kid
My kid goes to the public school, came home with cracked ribs
And when my kid's eighteen
He'll be out there like I was and probably chasing his dreams
And when your kid's twenty-two
young - молодой
wrestling - борьба
twenty - 20
wrestled - боролся
tyson - tyson
trombone - тромбон
while - в то время как
those - те
teacher - учитель
still - все еще
watch - смотреть
something - что нибудь
sears - сирс
taught - учил
ricky - ricky
quicker - быстрее
trying - пытаясь
punches - пуансоны
proud - гордый
probably - вероятно
practice - практика
perfect - идеально
patience - терпение
night - ночь
myself - себя
matches - матчи
respect - уважение
lessons - занятия
winter - зима
learned - научился
kissed - целовал
saint - святой
crying - плач
cause - причина
there - там
short - Короткая
shoot - стрелять
school - школа
cracked - треснувший
learn - учить
equally - в равной степени
people - люди
brown - коричневый
brought - привел
could - мог
gossip - слухи
anywhere - в любом месте
album - альбом
business - бизнес
guitar - гитара
choked - подавился
basement - подвал
after - после
beauty - красота
cline - cline
black - черный
moved - переехал
going - собирается
spain - Испания
berkeley - berkeley
being - являющийся
friend - друг
different - другой
played - играл
fiddle - играть на скрипке
dinner - ужин
kindergarten - детский сад
ditches - канавы
private - частный
dreams - мечты
edgar - Эдгар
eighteen - 18
albino - альбинос
eighth - восьмой
loves - любит
father - отец
neighbour - сосед
flick - фильм
knows - знает
floor - пол
public - общественности
pretty - симпатичная
grade - класс
forgive - прощать
shoulder - плечо
chasing - погоня
better - лучше
getting - получение
gloat - злорадствовать
gotta - должен
guinness - гиннес
billy - Билли
handicapped - инвалид
internship - интернатура
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