(Sung by The Vicar)

Some people say that life is a game, well if this is so

I'd like to know the rules on which this game of life is based.

I know of no game more fitting than the age old game of cricket

It has honour, it has character and it's British.

Now God laid down the rules of life when he wrote those Ten Commandments

And to cricket those ten same rules shall apply.

Show compassion and self-righteousness and be honest above all

And come to God's call with bat and ball.

Now the Devil has a player and he's called the Demon Bowler,

fitting - примерка
righteousness - праведность
deceitful - лживый
devil - дьявол
above - выше
commandments - заповеди
based - исходя из
bible - библия
bowler - котелок
character - персонаж
narrow - узкий
apply - подать заявление
wrote - писал
baffle - дефлектор
shrewd - проницательный
guide - руководство
vicar - викарий
british - Британская
always - всегда
called - называется
wicket - калитка
honest - честный
honour - честь
wicked - злой
breaks - брейки
level - уровень
beware - остерегаться
demon - демон
people - люди
shall - должен
maiden - девушка
remember - запомнить
courageous - отважный
rules - правила
compassion - сострадание
sinful - грешный
cricket - крикет
spirit - дух
straight - прямо
crafty - коварный
sights - достопримечательности
takes - принимает
those - те
through - через
player - игрок
times - раз
satan - сатана
which - который

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