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- Hello.
- Oh, hey. What can I do for you?
I need to get some...
crаb medicine.
- What?
- Crab medicine.
Oh, crab medicine. Um...
Let me see. Crab medicine,
crab medicine, crab medicine...
- Gladys!
- What?
Is crab medicine
aisle three or aisle four?
- Crаb medicine?
- Crаb medicine!
- Oh, crab medicine.
- Yeah.
- Aisle three.
- I'll get it, thanks. Excuse me.
So, like, are there any
special directions for this stuff?
I don't know. Um...
Let me just ask Phil, OK?
Hey, Phil. This crab stuff.
Is there any special
application techniques?
- Oh, he wants to see it.
- Paul?
My future son-in-law. I thought
that was you. What a nice surprise.
- Sandra, hi.
- Small world.
So, what brings you here...?
Actually, I think I forgot something...
I am so relieved that your mother decided
not to cook the rehearsal dinner.
I'm not saying
anything about her cooking.
It is just a really really big job.
That reminds me.
I've got to help her find a caterer.
Hey, there's my guy.
You almost left
without your stuff.
- And now about those crаbs...
- Yeah. They were delicious.
Jeff is... is an incredible chef.
He gave me a recipe for
Crаb Louis that was out of this world.
- Really?
- Yeah. What?
- You're a chef?
- Well, yes, I am. Yep.
I'm putting myself
through cooking school,
doing the pharmacy thing, but...
Well, isn't that wonderful?
world - мир
through - через
medicine - лекарственное средство
louis - Луис
future - будущее
special - особый
hello - здравствуйте
forgot - забыл
actually - на самом деле
putting - сдачи
doing - дела
directions - направления
almost - почти
mother - мама
aisle - придел
caterer - поставщик
dinner - ужин
about - около
gladys - Глэдис
small - маленький
excuse - оправдание
something - что нибудь
without - без
wants - хочет
think - думать
anything - что-нибудь
reminds - напоминает
application - заявление
thing - вещь
incredible - неимоверный
delicious - вкусно
brings - приносит
stuff - материал
saying - поговорка
thanks - благодаря
myself - себя
pharmacy - аптека
techniques - методы
really - действительно
rehearsal - репетиция
surprise - сюрприз
relieved - облегчение
wonderful - замечательно
sandra - сандры
school - школа
there - там
three - три
recipe - рецепт
those - те
cooking - готовка
decided - приняли решение
thought - думал
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