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My name is Lemony Snicket
and it is my sad duty
to document this tale.
Violet Baudelaire, the eldest,
was one of the finest 14-year-old
inventors in the world.
Anyone who knew Violet well
could tell she was inventing something
when her long hair
was tied up in a ribbon.
In a world of abandoned items
and discarded materials,
Violet knew
there was always something.
Something she could fashion into nearly
any device for nearly every occasion.
And no one was better to test
her inventions than her brother.
Klaus Baudelaire, the
middle child, loved books,
or rather, the things he learnt
from books.
The Baudelaire parents had
an enormous library in their mansion.
A room filled with thousands of books
on nearly every subject.
And nothing pleased Klaus more
than spending an afternoon
filling up his head with their contents.
And everything he read,
he remembered.
Sunny, the youngest,
had a different interest.
She liked to bite things
and had four sharp teeth.
There was very little that Sunny
did not enjoy biting.
Sunny was at an age
when one mostly speaks
in a series of unintelligible shrieks.
For instance...
Which probably meant,
"Look at that mysterious figure
emerging from the fog."
Or perhaps,
"What is a banker like Mr Poe
doing trudging through the sand
"to find us at Briny Beach?"
youngest - младший
world - мир
unintelligible - невразумительный
trudging - тащиться
things - вещи
there - там
teeth - зубы
sunny - солнечно
subject - предмет
spending - расходы
something - что нибудь
snicket - сникет
speaks - говорит
sharp - острый
remembered - вспомнил
rather - скорее
probably - вероятно
pleased - довольный
nothing - ничего
mysterious - загадочный
mostly - в основном
middle - средний
occasion - повод
biting - едкий
document - документ
violet - фиолетовый
filled - заполненный
device - устройство
enormous - огромный
brother - брат
beach - пляж
eldest - самый старший
could - мог
through - через
little - немного
parents - родители
doing - дела
briny - соленый
ribbon - лента
always - всегда
which - который
nearly - около
afternoon - после полудня
abandoned - заброшенный
discarded - отбрасываются
different - другой
books - книги
fashion - мода
baudelaire - Бодлер
thousands - тысячи
learnt - научился
better - лучше
filling - заполнение
their - их
anyone - кто угодно
enjoy - наслаждаться
finest - лучшие
library - библиотека
instance - пример
shrieks - вопли
meant - имел ввиду
contents - содержание
inventing - Изобретая
inventions - изобретений
interest - интерес
liked - понравилось
inventors - изобретатели
series - серии
perhaps - возможно
emerging - появление
child - ребенок
materials - материалы
banker - банкир
items - предметы
figure - фигура
klaus - Клаус
lemony - лимонный
loved - любимый
every - каждый
everything - все
mansion - особняк
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