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The radio's all yours now.
And keep an eye on that number
three engine gauge, over there.
It's running a little hot.
Striker, before we start,
I'd like to say something.
I know that right now things
must look pretty rough up there,
but if you do what I tell you,
when I tell you to do it,
there's no reason why
you shouldn't have complete confidence
in your chances to come
out of this thing alive and in one piece.
Striker, what kind of weather
you in up there?
- Rain.
- And a little ice.
And a little ice.
How's it handling?
It's sluggish,
like a wet sponge.
Sluggish, like a wet sponge.
All right, Striker. You're doing just fine.
It's a damn good thing he doesn't
know how much I hate his guts.
It's a damn good thing you don't know
how much he hates your guts.
Can I get you something?
I'm sorry. I don't understand.
- Oh, stewardess? I speak jive.
- Oh, good.
He said that he's in great pain, and
he wants to know if you can help him.
All right.
Would you tell him to just relax,
and I'll be back as soon as I can
with some medicine.
Macias, get me Captain
Oveur's wife on the phone.
Chief, this weather bulletin
just came off the wire.
- Johnny, what do you make out of this?
- This?
Why, I could make a hat or a brooch.
Or a pterodactyl, could eat your...
could - мог
phone - телефон
bulletin - бюллетень
start - начало
hates - ненавидит
macias - масиаса
little - немного
handling - обращение
complete - полный
gauge - калибр
weather - погода
engine - двигатель
brooch - брошь
speak - говорить
doing - дела
chief - главный
before - до
captain - капитан
thing - вещь
chances - Шансы
medicine - лекарственное средство
johnny - Джонни
confidence - уверенность
sluggish - медлительный
pretty - симпатичная
pterodactyl - птеродактиль
sorry - прости
wants - хочет
alive - в живых
reason - Причина
relax - расслабиться
number - номер
great - великий
sponge - губка
right - правильно
rough - грубый
running - бег
piece - кусок
something - что нибудь
things - вещи
stewardess - стюардесса
striker - ударник
three - три
yours - ваш
there - там
understand - понимаю
would - бы
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