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Miss Wiatt?
Oh. Yes.
Mrs. Atwood.
Yes. British Department
of Health and Social Security.
Shall we step
over there?
Sure. Sure.
I'm sorry
about Andrew.
Oh, yes,
quite tragic.
Of course, I didn't know
them personally.
Oh, no, I know.
Neither did I, but it was very awful.
I mean, you know,
what happened. So...
Well, actually,
I have a lunch meeting in 40 minutes,
so if I could just sign
for whatever it is that I inherited.
Certainly. I just need you
to sign one thing.
Mmm-hmm. Good.
So, what is it?
A million dollars?
I beg your pardon?
Oh. What is it?
I mean, what is it that I inherited?
Why, Elizabeth,
of course.
What Elizabeth,
of course?
Your cousin Andrew's
Are you...
Are you joking?
Didn't Mrs. Simpson
tell you?
Wait a minute, now.
Are you telling me that I
inherited a baby from a cousin
I haven't seen
since 1954?
No. N-O. No way. Uh-uh.
This is impossible.
I'm sorry,
I assumed you understood
the nature of my trip.
You see, that's the funny thing.
I can't have a baby,
because I have
a 12:30 lunch meeting.
I'm sorry,
I have to reboard.
I'm on my way to visit
relatives in Florida.
Now, Elizabeth,
this is your aunt J.C.
The one I was
telling you about.
You're going to
live with her now,
and she is going
to take care of you
and love you
very much.
Mrs. Atwood...
- Here are her things.
In there.
- But I... I...
And a copy
of the Wiatts' will.
And Elizabeth's passport...
Yeah, Mrs. Atwood,
I'm not the right sort of person...
...for this. - You're the only
person, Miss Wiatt.
She's a very
agreeable child, you'll see.
Once you get the
hang of it,
I'm sure you'll be a
wonderful mother.
wonderful - замечательно
tragic - трагический
there - там
telling - говоря
sorry - прости
health - здоровье
pardon - помилование
florida - Флорида
elizabeth - Элизабет
security - безопасность
dollars - долларов
happened - получилось
mother - мама
child - ребенок
agreeable - приятный
visit - посещение
assumed - предполагается,
british - Британская
actually - на самом деле
million - миллиона
whatever - без разницы
department - отдел
shall - должен
funny - веселая
things - вещи
course - курс
atwood - atwood
cousin - двоюродная сестра
about - около
andrew - андрей
minute - минут
awful - ужасный
because - потому как
impossible - невозможно
meeting - встреча
going - собирается
inherited - унаследованный
joking - шучу
understood - понимать
could - мог
since - поскольку
right - правильно
certainly - безусловно
minutes - минут
nature - природа
neither - ни
passport - заграничный пасспорт
quite - довольно
person - человек
personally - лично
thing - вещь
relatives - родные
lunch - обед
reboard - снова окажетесь
simpson - Симпсон
social - социальное
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