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Gentlemen, members of the national
office are coming here tonight
for their annual inspection
of this theater.
Right now, I'm going to explain to you
my managing style...
for the benefit of the new guys.
So there you are, tubby.
Look like a bucket of lard on a bad day.
You baby gorilla.
Why don't you work the zoo
and stop bothering people?
Got a call yesterday
from Baskin Robbins.
They said that they're down
to only five flavors.
You're swelling up as I talk to you.
Look at you. How's this?
How's it doin'?
Hello, ice cream.
Having a good time running around?
What are you laughing at?
'cause I called your friend a fat pig?
You think that's funny?
Oh no, I was just laughing earlier
when you were talking to his belly.
Why don't you get a horse and
live in the mountains or some place?
Don't bother anybody.
You've got a personality
like a dead moth.
Okay, the fun's over.
Anybody messes this thing up
for me tonight is through.
Not only are you fired,
your life is over.
I'll see to it that you
never work again
and that you wind up tearing tickets
off in Kuwait.
And everybody's sucking sand.
Nobody messes up, you understand me?
Don't mess up!
That guy's gonna be our boss?
And after a speech like
how does he expect us not
to screw him over?
Every one of us said the exact same thing
our first day working for Hamilton
only nobody ever does anything.
Trust me, this isn't just talk.
Nobody screws me over like that.
- Me, neither.
- Hey, I can't help you, 'cause I need this job.
But if you really screw over Hamilton,
I'll give you ten bucks.
Mark me down for $20.
Mr. Witherspoon.
Class operation, Hamilton.
Good job.
Thank you, sir.
Let me get you some refreshments.
Okay, we're all set.
One, two, three. Look away!
Look, an alien.
Yeah, we better have sex
with each other.
Note to self.
Sam just looked at the screen.
No, I didn't.
I was just making sure the reel had...
Hey, this alien looks just
like a hot guy.
You're right. We better
have sex with him.
Give me that.
It took long enough, you dummy.
Hamilton, you're through.
That was amazing.
You should do that stuff for a living.
witherspoon - Уизерспун
tubby - бочкообразный
tickets - билеты
think - думать
thing - вещь
sucking - сосание
style - стиль
stuff - материал
speech - речь
understand - понимаю
screen - экран
running - бег
robbins - роббинс
right - правильно
refreshments - прохладительные напитки
tearing - разрывающий
really - действительно
people - люди
talking - говорящий
other - другие
should - должен
screw - винт
operation - операция
place - место
office - офис
nobody - никто
neither - ни
mountains - горы
messes - мур
members - члены
managing - управление
through - через
earlier - ранее
expect - ожидать
dummy - фиктивный
bucks - баксы
alien - инопланетянин
bothering - утруждая
bother - беспокоить
called - называется
three - три
their - их
benefit - выгода
laughing - смеющийся
cream - крем
again - еще раз
never - никогда
amazing - удивительно
personality - личность
after - после
annual - годовой
explain - объяснять
anybody - кто-нибудь
thank - спасибо
swelling - припухлость
anything - что-нибудь
there - там
bucket - ведро
baskin - 巴斯金
enough - достаточно
coming - приход
every - каждый
national - национальный
class - класс
around - вокруг
fired - уволен
yesterday - Вчера
first - первый
having - имеющий
flavors - ароматизаторы
screws - Винты
friend - друг
funny - веселая
gorilla - горилла
belly - живот
gentlemen - господа
going - собирается
theater - театр
gonna - собирается
hamilton - хемилтон
hello - здравствуйте
tonight - сегодня ночью
kuwait - Кувейт
making - изготовление
better - лучше
horse - лошадь
trust - доверять
looked - смотрел
inspection - осмотр
living - живой
working - за работой
exact - точный
looks - выглядит
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