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So, Leo, don't you think it's
time you tell me who you are?
- What do you mean?
- I mean...
It's a blast doing the
duke thing with you 24/7 but...
I don't want to see Kate go
through Stuart: The Sequel.
I know she seems pretty tough
but she hasn't had it that easy.
She's always getting stuck with
people who don't hold up their end.
Like me.
- I just don't...
- I understand, Charles.
- You do?
- Yes.
So... who are you?
I am the man who loves your sister.
Okay, door's open.
Shut the lid.
Push the drawers in.
Close the door...
and you push this button.
Word to the wise:
Don't press that till she wakes up.
So she sees you doing it.
Oh, clever.
The proverbial tree in the woods.
If a man washes a dish
and no one sees it...
- Did it happen?
- Right.
- A cup of coffee, my dear.
- Thank you.
Nine-grain toast with strawberries
and mascarpone.
It's... apparently low...
in polyunsaturates.
It's really good.
It's good.
What should we do today?
woods - леса
understand - понимаю
tough - жесткий
toast - тост
thank - спасибо
stuck - застрял
strawberries - клубника
sister - сестра
should - должен
sequel - продолжение
seems - кажется
thing - вещь
drawers - подштанники
clever - умная
today - cегодня
doing - дела
charles - Чарльз
happen - случаться
their - их
apparently - по всей видимости
coffee - кофе
people - люди
button - Кнопка
through - через
blast - взрыв
close - закрыть
getting - получение
pretty - симпатичная
proverbial - общеизвестный
always - всегда
grain - зерно
stuart - Стюарт
loves - любит
wakes - будит
polyunsaturates - полиненасыщенные
really - действительно
think - думать
press - нажмите
washes - смывки
mascarpone - маскарпоне
right - правильно
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