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Swinney, who was also a private sperm donor,
was allowed visitation rights as long as he came to terms
with the hours set forth by the parents.
So, if we're sticking to past precedent,
I mean, Mr. Latimer wasn't stalking.
He was clearly within his rights to ask for visitation.
But Swinney was a one-time sperm donor.
And, in our case, the defendant was an habitual sperm donor,
who also happens to be harassing the parents in his quest for visitation.
Well, yeah, but I mean, without this man's sperm...
...the child in question wouldn't exist.
Now you're thinking like a lawyer.
Yes, Ms. Woods?
Although Mr. Huntington makes an excellent point,
I have to wonder if the defendant kept a thorough record
of every sperm emission made throughout his life.
Interesting. Why do you ask?
Well, unless the defendant attempted to Contact every single one-night stand
to determine if a child resulted in those unions,
he has no parental claim over this child, whatsoever.
Why now? Why this sperm?
- I see your point. - And for that matter,
all masturbatory emissions where his sperm was clearly not seeking an egg,
could be termed reckless abandonment.
I believe you've just won your case.
- Ms. Woods, you did well today. - Really?
You're applying for my internship, aren't you?
- I don't know. - Well, you should.
- Do you have a résumé? - Yes, I do.
Here it is.
- it's pink. - Oh, and it's scented.
I think it gives it a little something extra, don't you think?
OK. Well, see you next class.
within - в
where - где
whatsoever - что бы ни
unless - если
wonder - задаваться вопросом
today - cегодня
unions - союзы
throughout - на протяжении
thorough - тщательный
termed - называется
swinney - суинни
woods - леса
something - что нибудь
should - должен
stalking - облава
record - запись
sperm - сперма
every - каждый
terms - сроки
parental - родительский
forth - вперед
emissions - выбросы
defendant - ответчик
determine - определить
those - те
single - один
exist - существовать
could - мог
contact - контакт
really - действительно
stand - стоять
reckless - опрометчивый
thinking - мышление
child - ребенок
scented - пахнущий
extra - дополнительный
without - без
visitation - осмотр
think - думать
sticking - прилипание
claim - запрос
believe - верить
attempted - попытка
excellent - отлично
makes - марки
night - ночь
applying - применение
lawyer - адвокат
emission - излучение
donor - донор
although - несмотря на то что
abandonment - оставление
harassing - беспокоящие
allowed - позволил
class - класс
clearly - явно
parents - родители
internship - интернатура
gives - дает
habitual - привычный
seeking - ищу
rights - права
resulted - в результате
little - немного
private - частный
happens - происходит
huntington - huntington
hours - часов
interesting - интересно
masturbatory - мастурбации
latimer - латимер
matter - дело
point - точка
precedent - прецедент
quest - поиск
question - вопрос
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