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Hi, everyone.
I'm Jordan Sanders.
I want to make a few things
clear before we get started.
First of all,
you're meeting the new
alpha of the class.
I can establish
my dominance easily,
or you can make it hard
for yourself.
Oh, nice pants.
If the floods are a-comin'.
Come on.
Yeah, your clothes suck.
- Charlie, zip it.
Thank you, Gary.
It's Mr. Marshall... for you.
I'm the teacher.
And I'm the student.
Okay, where was I?
We're gonna skip the
"haze the new girl" thing. No.
It's dull. Predictable.
And I will strike back
with a vengeance
like you've never known.
Well, if you didn't want
to be hazed,
you should have combed your hair.
Okay, you know what?
One more outburst,
and I'll cancel Spirit Day.
I'm not joking around,
young lady.
But you can't cancel
Spirit Day, Mr. Marshall.
I am Spirit Day.
- Oh, good Lord.
- Which reminds me...
get your tickets to the hypest
school spirit pep rally ever.
This year's theme
is Winchella.
most talented students...
and others that we couldn't
block from signing up
because of new rules
of inclusion...
...will show what makes
Windsor the best.
All right,
all right, all right.
Thank you.
Pipe down.
Open up your books.
You know what I mean?
We're gonna do some learning.
Start pretending to read.
Oh boy, you know,
meeting new people.
It won't always be
like this, okay?
'Cause I could tell
when I met you
that you are
a special young lady.
You know what?
- I feel like you get me.
- Really?
I feel like I get you, too.
So, you feeling
what I'm feeling?
You want to quit?
I think about
quitting every day.
But I can't, because I have
a responsibility.
Wh-What are you feeling?
Oh. No, I'm not
feeling that at all.
I'm a... I'm an adult...
adult man.
And you should have a seat.
Okay, Mr. Hard to Get.
I see you.
Go ahead and sit down.
It's time.
Time to sit down.
Just don't...
you know, just look...
look-look the other way.
Look the way... look the...
look up there.
Look away from me.
- Teach me something.
- Don't...
yourself - сам
windsor - Виндзор
winchella - winchella
where - где
tickets - билеты
which - который
think - думать
thing - вещь
theme - тема
teacher - учитель
teach - учат
students - студенты
vengeance - отмщение
student - студент
strike - забастовка
start - начало
spirit - дух
special - особый
something - что нибудь
there - там
school - школа
sanders - сандерс
rules - правила
responsibility - обязанность
thank - спасибо
reminds - напоминает
establish - установить
charlie - Чарли
before - до
should - должен
easily - без труда
really - действительно
everyone - все
block - блок
outburst - взрыв
clear - чисто
ahead - впереди
dominance - господство
first - первый
other - другие
cancel - отмена
about - около
around - вокруг
class - класс
others - другие
could - мог
things - вещи
talented - талантливый
started - начал
people - люди
adult - для взрослых
always - всегда
hazed - издевались
makes - марки
signing - подписание
every - каждый
because - потому как
floods - наводнения
right - правильно
feeling - чувство
hypest - гипест
inclusion - включение
gonna - собирается
joking - шучу
jordan - иордания
known - известен
learning - обучение
books - книги
marshall - маршал
clothes - одежда
alpha - альфа
meeting - встреча
young - молодой
never - никогда
pants - брюки
combed - причесаны
predictable - предсказуемый
pretending - претендующий
quitting - бросить курить
rally - ралли
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