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Hey, Barb. You gonna audition
this year? We have openings.
Oh, now that you've puked your way to the
bottom, you might actually consider me?
I auditioned for you three times
and never got in because you said
my boobs look like baloney.
The word's out. Bellas is the
laughing stock of a cappella.
Good luck auditioning
this year. Douche-b's.
My God. This is a travesty.
God, if we can't even recruit Baloney
Barb, then we can't get anybody.
Just take the dramatics
down a notch, okay?
Hi, do you wanna...
We'll be fine. I am
confident that we will find
eight super-hot girls
with bikini-ready bodies
who can harmonize
and have perfect pitch. Okay?
Hi, would you like to
be a member of...
Just keep flyering.
We have tradition to uphold.
How about we just
get good singers?
What? Good singers? What? Hi.
- Can you sing?
- Yeah.
- Can you read music?
- Yeah.
- Can you match pitch?
- Try me.
That was a really good start.
I'm the best singer
in Tasmania. With teeth.
Love it. What's your name?
Fat Amy.
Um... You call
yourself Fat Amy?
Yeah, so twig bitches like you
don't do it behind my back.
I will see you in
auditions, Fat Amy.
I can sing but also I'm
good at modern dance,
olden dance, and
mermaid dancing,
which is a little different.
You usually start
on the ground.
- It's a lot of floor work.
- I see that.
yourself - сам
tasmania - тасмания
teeth - зубы
super - супер
start - начало
three - три
singer - певец
recruit - нанимать на работу
really - действительно
tradition - традиция
singers - певцы
dancing - танцы
times - раз
ready - готов
different - другой
bottom - дно
boobs - буфера
dramatics - gonda.anita
bodies - тела
which - который
bikini - бикини
bitches - суки
bellas - bellas
notch - вырезка
actually - на самом деле
about - около
confident - уверенная в себе
eight - 8
travesty - пародия
floor - пол
cappella - капелла
perfect - идеально
anybody - кто-нибудь
auditioned - прослушивался
douche - душ
wanna - хочу
stock - акции
openings - отверстия
auditioning - прослушиваться
pitch - подача
auditions - прослушивания
because - потому как
consider - рассматривать
match - совпадение
behind - за
laughing - смеющийся
girls - девочки
flyering - flyering
gonna - собирается
would - бы
harmonize - гармонизировать
puked - стошнило
usually - как правило
little - немного
mermaid - русалка
audition - прослушивание
member - член
dance - танец
modern - современное
might - мог бы
uphold - поддерживать
baloney - чепуха
ground - земля
music - музыка
never - никогда
olden - стареть
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