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Well, I'm sorry,
Frank, but I just...
really don't feel like
talking about it.
All right.
Then what should we talk about, April?
Would it be all right
if we didn't talk about anything?
I mean, can't we just take each day
as it comes, and do the best we can,
and not feel like we have to talk
about everything all the time?
I don't think I'm suggesting that
we talk about everything all the time. Look.
My point is we've both been
under a strain
We ought to be helping each other
out as much as we can right now.
I mean, God knows my own behaviour
has been pretty weird lately.
As a matter of fact, there is something
I'd like to tell you about.
I've been with a girl a few times,
in the city.
A girl I hardly even know.
It was nothing to me,
but it's over now, really over.
And if I weren't sure of that, I guess
I could never have told you about it.
Why did you?
Baby, I don't know.
I think it's a simple case
of wanting to be a man again
after all that abortion business.
Some kind of neurotic,
irrational need to prove something.
No. I don't mean why did
you have the girl, I mean...
why did you tell me about it?
- What do you mean?
- I mean, what's the point?
Is it supposed to make me jealous
or something?
Is it supposed to make me
fall in love with you or...
back into bed with you, or... or what?
I mean...
what would you like me to say, Frank?
Why don't you say what you feel, April?
I don't feel anything.
In other words, you don't care what I do
or... or who I fuck or anything?
No, I guess that's right.
would - бы
weird - странный
wanting - желая
times - раз
there - там
talking - говорящий
suggesting - предлагая
think - думать
something - что нибудь
supposed - предполагаемый
should - должен
really - действительно
prove - доказывать
pretty - симпатичная
sorry - прости
point - точка
ought - должен
behaviour - поведение
other - другие
abortion - аборт
could - мог
words - слова
anything - что-нибудь
strain - напряжение
simple - просто
right - правильно
knows - знает
frank - откровенный
about - около
comes - выходит
april - апрель
again - еще раз
after - после
hardly - едва
business - бизнес
jealous - ревнивый
everything - все
helping - помощь
irrational - иррациональный
never - никогда
nothing - ничего
guess - угадай
lately - в последнее время
under - под
matter - дело
neurotic - невротический
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