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Is that thing loaded?
I don't think
it's loaded.
Only one way
to find out.
Look, I need
that book.
I mean I want
the book. And you.
If you make
me choose,
I'll kill you,
I'll take the book.
Why, why do
you want it?
I grew up with it.
I know its power.
And if you read it,
then so do you.
That's why they burned
them all after the war.
Can you imagine how... how
different, how righteous
this little world could be if we
had the right words for our faith.
The people would truly understand why
they're here and what they're doing,
and they wouldn't need any
other uglier motivations.
It's not right to keep
that book hidden away,
it's meant to be
shared with others.
Meant to be spread.
Isn't that what
you want?
Of all my heart
and soul.
I always believed that I'd find a
place where this book belongs,
where it was needed.
world - мир
would - бы
understand - понимаю
where - где
truly - действительно
think - думать
thing - вещь
shared - общий
power - мощность
loaded - нагруженный
belongs - принадлежит
other - другие
doing - дела
always - всегда
choose - выберите
believed - считается,
different - другой
others - другие
uglier - уродливее
faith - вера
heart - сердце
right - правильно
hidden - скрытый
imagine - представить
after - после
meant - имел ввиду
could - мог
little - немного
people - люди
words - слова
motivations - мотивы
spread - Распространение
burned - сожженный
needed - необходимый
righteous - праведный
place - место
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