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What happened to Alex?
She had to leave town early
to get to a meeting.
- That's too bad. Where does she live?
- Chicago.
Thinking of going to see her?
We don't really have that
kind of relationship. Try right over there.
That direction.
What kind of relationship do you have?
Well, you know, casual.
- Sounds pretty special.
- It works for us.
Don't you think there's a future there?
I never really thought about it.
What's going on here?
- Really never thought about it?
- No.
How can you not think about that?
How does it not even cross your mind
that you might want
a future with someone?
It's simple. You know that moment
when you look into somebody's eyes
and you can feel them
staring into your soul
The whole world goes quiet
just for a second?
- Yes.
- Right. Well, I don't.
- You're an asshole.
- No.
Look, I'm just dicking around. Come on.
Give me a hand.
Don't you think it's worth
giving her a chance?
- A chance to what?
- A chance at something real.
Natalie, your definition of real
is going to evolve as you get older.
Can you stop condescending
for one second
or is that one of the principles
of your bullshit philosophy?
- Bullshit philosophy?
- The isolation, the traveling.
- Is that supposed to be charming?
- No, it's simply a life choice.
- It's a cocoon of self-banishment.
- Wow. Big words.
Screw you.
Now screw you, too.
You have set up a way of life
that basically makes it impossible
for you to have any kind of
human connection.
And now this woman comes along
and somehow runs the gauntlet
of your ridiculous life choice
Comes out on the other end smiling
just so you can call her "casual"?
I need to grow up? You're a 12-year-old.
I don't have a gauntlet...
works - работает
words - слова
woman - женщина
where - где
traveling - путешествие
thought - думал
thinking - мышление
there - там
supposed - предполагаемый
staring - смотреть
special - особый
something - что нибудь
someone - кто то
simple - просто
second - Второй
screw - винт
right - правильно
cross - пересекать
condescending - снисходительный
evolve - эволюционировать
comes - выходит
banishment - высылка
worth - стоимость
choice - выбор
bullshit - бред сивой кобылы
whole - все
chicago - Чикаго
world - мир
ridiculous - смешной
makes - марки
natalie - Натали
think - думать
philosophy - философия
chance - шанс
definition - определение
really - действительно
asshole - мудак
simply - просто
along - вдоль
around - вокруг
basically - в основном
sounds - звуки
casual - повседневная
might - мог бы
charming - обаятельный
happened - получилось
future - будущее
principles - принципы
moment - Момент
gauntlet - рукавица
somehow - как-то
giving - дающий
smiling - улыбается
going - собирается
human - человек
impossible - невозможно
early - рано
connection - соединение
meeting - встреча
cocoon - кокон
isolation - изоляция
leave - оставлять
direction - направление
never - никогда
older - старшая
relationship - отношения
about - около
dicking - dicking
other - другие
pretty - симпатичная
quiet - тихо
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