There was a time when I enjoyed Vidalia

There was no other fruit I dared my lips to touch

My granddad he prescribed me Vidalia

“for whatever ails ya” – heart disease the grippe

and such

But to yourself this medicine you’ll properly expose

The benefits of health, wealth ad respect

Eat it like an apple of a deep colored rose

yourself - kendin
heart - kalp
health - sağlık
grippe - grip
barrel - varil
granddad - büyükbaba
grain - tahıl
innocence - saflık
faces - yüzleri
chested - göğüslü
expose - maruz bırakmak
roast - rosto
feeling - duygu
remember - hatırlamak
fruit - meyve
medicine - tıp
etched - kazınmış
hurts - canı yanmak
enjoyed - zevk
palate - damak
apple - elma
colored - renkli
defeat - yenilgi
dared - cesaret
other - diğer
prescribed - reçete
scared - korkmuş
disease - hastalık
properly - uygun şekilde
respect - saygı
thanks - teşekkürler
shame - utanç
shook - salladı
smoky - dumanlı
cheeks - yanaklar
small - küçük
tired - yorgun
bloody - kanlı
touch - dokunma
benefits - faydaları
sweet - tatlı
victory - zafer
wealth - servet
whatever - her neyse
whiskey - viski
there - Orada
yours - seninki

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