Princess cards she sends me with her regards

barroom eyes shine vacancy, to see her you gotta look hard

Wounded deep in battle, I stand stuffed like some soldier undaunted

To her Cheshire smile. I'll stand on file, she's all I ever wanted.

But you let your blue walls get in the way of these facts

honey, get your carpetbaggers off my back

you wouldn't even give me time to cover my tracks,

You said, "Here's your mirror and your ball and jacks." But they're not what I came for, and I'm sure you see that too

I came for you, for you, I came for you, but you did not need my urgency

I came for you, for you, I came for you, but your life was one long emergency

and your cloud line urges me, and my electric surges free.

Crawl into my ambulance, your pulse is getting weak,

reveal yourself all now to me girl while you've got the strength to speak

Cause they're waiting for you at Bellevue with their oxygen masks

But I could give it all to you now if only you could ask.

And don't call for your surgeon even he says it's too late

It's not your lungs this time, it's your heart that holds your fate

yourself - kendin
wounded - yaralı
while - süre
waiting - bekleme
urgency - aciliyet
union - birlik
trophy - ganimet
tongue - dil
through - vasitasiyla
think - düşünmek
these - bunlar
theme - tema
their - onların
tempered - huylu
teach - öğretmek
undaunted - yılmaz
swear - yemin etmek
joker - joker
jagged - pürüzlü
floor - Zemin
sends - gönderir
urges - dürtüleri
holds - tutar
engine - motor
facts - gerçekler
local - Yerel
surges - dalgalanmaları
found - bulunan
chelsea - chelsea
electric - elektrik
cracked - çatlamış
ambulance - ambulans
beach - plaj
gotta - lazım
crawl - yavaş ilerleme
tracks - raylar
poured - dökülmüş
always - Her zaman
chest - göğüs
getting - alma
wanted - aranan
apparent - bariz
tuned - ayarlanmış
bellevue - bellevue
jacks - krikolar
really - gerçekten mi
homecoming - eve dönüş
doors - kapılar
battle - savaş
never - asla
caressed - gestreichelt
barroom - navidad
heart - kalp
motive - güdü
proud - gururlu
devastating - yıkıcı
clings - yapışır
cover - kapak
oxygen - oksijen
alien - yabancı
cards - kartları
carpetbaggers - tanulás elkezdése
honey - bal
mouth - ağız
cheshire - 锈!
strength - kuvvet
cause - sebeb olmak
windows - pencereler
distant - uzak
cheek - yanak
laugh - gülmek
mirror - ayna
leech - sülük
little - küçük
living - yaşam
princess - prenses
shine - parlaklık
locomotive - lokomotif
masks - maskeler
hitchhikers - otostopçular
suicide - intihar
medal - madalya
melody - melodi
cloud - bulut
sores - yaralar
metal - metal
better - Daha iyi
reveal - ortaya çıkartmak
could - could
nursery - kreş
played - oyunun
power - Güç
sound - ses
pulse - nabız
bound - ciltli
regards - saygılarımızla
quite - oldukça
surgeon - cerrah
ragged - düzensiz
rammed - rammed

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