Crazy Janey and her mission man were back in the alley tradin' hands

'long came Wild Billy with his friend G-man all duded up for Saturday night

Well Billy slammed on his coaster brakes and said anybody wanna go on up to Greasy Lake

It's about a mile down on the dark side of route eighty-eight

I got a bottle of rose so let's try it

We'll pick up Hazy Davy and Killer Joe and I'll take you all out to where the gypsy angels go

They're built like light

and they dance like spirits in the night (all night) in the night (all night)

Oh, you don't know what they can do to you

Spirits in the night (all night) in the night (all night)

Stand right up now and let them shoot through you

Well now Wild Billy was a crazy cat and he shook some dust out of his coonskin cap

He said, "Trust some of this it'll show you where you're at." or at least it'll help you really feel it

window - pencere
wanna - istiyorum
trust - güven
together - Birlikte
through - vasitasiyla
threw - attı
think - düşünmek
stone - taş
stars - yıldızlar
spirits - alkollü içkiler
spirit - ruh
slammed - çarptı
shoot - ateş etme
stand - durmak
fight - kavga
alley - geçit
eight - sekiz
danced - dans
dance - dans
saturday - cumartesi
closed - kapalı
socks - çorap
honey - bal
light - ışık
water - su
night - gece
duded - duded
shook - salladı
angels - melekler
eighty - seksen
mission - misyon
crazy - çılgın
billy - cop
lonely - yalnız
passed - geçti
where - nerede
built - inşa edilmiş
shirt - gömlek
angel - melek
coaster - bardak altlığı
right - Sağ
anybody - kimse
about - hakkında
brakes - frenler
route - rota
bottle - şişe
fairy - peri
fingers - parmaklar
friend - arkadaş
songs - şarkılar
gypsy - Çingene
hands - eller
janey - janey
birthday - doğum günü
moonlight - ay ışığı
killer - katil
bright - parlak
least - en az
goodbye - güle güle
kissed - öptü
coonskin - coonskin
loose - gevşek
greasy - yağlı
moved - taşındı
really - gerçekten mi

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