The love of her life is drifting away

They're losing the fight for another day

The life that she's known is falling apart

A fatherless home, a child's broken heart

You're holding her hand, you're straining for words

You trying to make - sense of it all

She's desperate for hope, darkness clouding her view

She's looking to you

Just love her like Jesus, carry her to Him

His yoke is easy, His burden is light

You don't need the answers to all of life's questions

Just know that He loves her and stay by her side

Love her like Jesus

Love her like Jesus

words - kelimeler
trying - çalışıyor
there - Orada
their - onların
slips - slipleri
skies - Gökyüzü
salvation - kurtuluş
questions - sorular
loves - sever
losing - kaybetme
looking - seyir
straining - süzme
nations - milletler
little - küçük
known - bilinen
clouding - 混浊
burden - yük
answers - cevaplar
another - bir diğeri
creation - oluşturma
darkness - karanlık
sense - duyu
carry - taşımak
falling - düşen
desperate - umutsuz
painted - Boyalı
broken - kırık
fight - kavga
fades - sönüyor
light - ışık
blessing - nimet
hands - eller
fatherless - babasız
jesus - isa
holding - tutma
holds - tutar
apart - ayrı
drifting - sürüklenen
would - olur
lives - hayatları
gifts - hediyeler
cares - bakımları
heart - kalp
night - gece
heaven - cennet

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